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Indoor Rowing

43 watchers
Nov 2018
12:54pm, 12 Nov 2018
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Cats Whiskers
Thanks, Muttley. Definitely guilty of not getting that balance right in my previous running training! Will bear that in mind when on the comeback trail. :-)

Sounds like you're getting on well with the Beginners Pete Plan and that it fits in well with 3 runs a week. I'm planning to start on this in the next few days – now I know I can actually row 5000m without stopping!
Nov 2018
1:05pm, 12 Nov 2018
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Cats Whiskers
Can anyone point me in the direction of a guide to stroke rate and/or suggested pace for different types of session, please?

I now know what my pace is for a hard effort over various distances/times but am not sure how to calculate the pace for steady/easy rows.

I think I'm working too hard most of the time, which means I'm struggling to keep my stroke rate much below 30s/m. I guess the stroke rate will drop a bit naturally once I try to keep to the correct pace for an easier row.
Nov 2018
1:11pm, 12 Nov 2018
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Welcome Lesley! Taking your time and getting the form right is definitely the way to go. You'll pick up some pace just from getting the technique and rowing more.

Muttley, well done on your progress.

That weights sessions from yesterday has caused me some aches and pains today! Tonight is the start of the "Nelverine" Plan proper: 10km at 2.08 pace. I reckon, on the basis that I can do 5k at 1.59 and change I'd normally be fine but the first few minutes might be a bit tight with the DOMs!
Nov 2018
1:17pm, 12 Nov 2018
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Good going Muttley. when are you next testing the training to see where its getting you ?
Nov 2018
1:26pm, 12 Nov 2018
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C W. Stroke rate is a little bit personal AND build specific. Some of my friends would race at 36 to 40 SPM ( stroke per min ) where as some of the larger/taller would be down in 28.

As for training paces. Wolverine has its slow long stuff going between 16 , 18 to 20 SPM

Now that can be really slow and correct.. and could be easy BUT you then factor in how fast you want to be actually going.

16 SPM for me pulling 2:30 per 500 metres is nice, comfortable ( although trust me, over 30 minutes that will make you sweat. ) BUT if I was trying to pull 2:10 per 500 metres at 16 SPM then my thighs are soon going to be knowing it and I'd fall off the machine at the end .

What I'm saying is. The General Rule that "They" say is learn to pull the steady base building stuff and a controlled lower stroke rate.. and also do some of this putting yourself under pressure and it builds strong legs cor ( but watch form, you can tweak that lower back if your a bit slack ) and aim to do your faster 500 to 1km interval stuff at a fast SPM , the higher the better BUT while keeping correct form.

You need to be able to find what suits you on the scale. Hope I'm making sense. Its so much easier to show this stuff I think.
Nov 2018
1:36pm, 12 Nov 2018
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Jef beat me to it on the stroke rate.

When I started on the Rower I was doing 24 as an easy row but as I've got stronger and worked on technique I'm now doing easy pieces at 16 or 17. The last few months for me have been about working on technique and slowing that stroke rate down for a given pace.

It's definitely worth doing some work on stroking as low as 16 and thinking about form more than effort (it will still have you sweating. It's rowing. that's how it works!). if 30 is normal for you at the mo though dropping it to 16 is going to feel very off. Maybe try holding it down to 26, then drop to 22, and then see how it goes from there.

I guess it's like gears on a bike. If I can row at 16 or 18 and get easy pace I can theoretically up the rate for the faster stuff. If I'm already doing 26 for the easy bits where do I go from there?
Nov 2018
1:45pm, 12 Nov 2018
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The "Nelverine" plan - I like it :-)

Jef, I have 3 x 2000m coming up soon ... tempted to have a go on one of them but tbh I'm not a great fan of eyeballs-out stuff. Would be interesting to see but I'm not near sub-8 yet.

CW - spm is a personal thing but as an illustration - I do steady rows at 20-ish spm and 2:15 pace; short intervals at 28 spm and 2:03-ish pace, and intermediate reps at 24-25-ish spm and 2:08 or so. I find it hard to go slower than 20 spm or faster than 30. For ref, I'm 5'9", 80 kg or so, and have short arms and legs.
Nov 2018
1:52pm, 12 Nov 2018
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A good way of controlling spm during a steady row is to start out as normal and then in the second half, aim to maintain the pace but 1-2 spm lower. Then work on keeping that for a couple of sessions, and repeat.
Nov 2018
2:15pm, 12 Nov 2018
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Cats Whiskers
Thanks everyone. That's really helpful. I'm not that strong, so am relying on a higher s/r to get faster.

Looks like the first thing I need to do is to try dropping the s/r to 26ish and maintain that for a whole steady piece, focusing on technique rather than worrying about pace. I think I've been too focused on maintaining a given pace, which means I've been trying to pull too hard at the lower s/r to counter the drop-off in pace, so I get tired very quickly and can't hold it for very long, so end up going back to 30s/m, which is very comfortable.

That's a good tip about breaking up the sessions too, Muttley. I'll give that a go.
Nov 2018
2:24pm, 12 Nov 2018
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Cats Whiskers
One more question...

Is there likely to be any difference between stroke rates for men and women?

About This Thread

Maintained by Nellers
How about a little league of 2000m times to see what we're up against:

Oranj (1988 vintage): 6:44.6
Jef(2010 vintage): 6:46.6
Foppotee 6:51.6
Nellers: 7:02.6
Pothunter (2005 vintage): 7:06
Jef: 7:06.4
_andy 7:10.9
Gym_Bunny: 7:16.9
Maclennane: 7:18.9
theOtherRichard: 7:22.5
Mouseytongue: 7:30.2
Rog T 7:33.9
Oranj: 7:37.6
Rich963: 7:39.3
NDWDave: 7:51.4
lammo: 7:56
Tiger Feet: 8:00.1
Fenners reborn 8:07
Muttley: 8:08.5
Cats Whiskers: 8:16.8
Angus Clydesdale: 8:47.2
BanjoBax: 9:13
Sally Kate: 9:18
Lesley C: 9:19
HellsBells: 9:23.1
Sweetie: 9:27
alpenrose: 10:03
GregP: 10:03
  • Show full description...

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