Sweet Caroline

23 watchers
9 May
4:12pm, 9 May 2024
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Oh, just to mention: a heavy duty fabric band is a great cheap investment. She does a lot of banded hip thrusts -and they're good for crab walks and clams too. I got mine from Aldi and it's really helped make the glute work harder when I am limited to what weight to have on my lap, ie just the 8kg kettlebell her in London.

Again must say -if you keep up with the entire set and number of reps even light weights will work. Well, they do for me!
9 May
4:16pm, 9 May 2024
2,481 posts
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I recommended CG to someone today although I've never actually looked at the website, I just said that I'd seen lots of praise for her workouts.

I bought a heavy duty fabric band from Decathlon, good and inexpensive compared to others.
9 May
4:16pm, 9 May 2024
54,078 posts
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Excellent Muttley

I bought a set of fabric bands in lockdown!

I do have a lot of kit really!
9 May
5:26pm, 9 May 2024
26,968 posts
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I’ve got a set of bands and do use them occasionally. Great for hip thrusts. I prefer to see the number on the weight for other exercises so I compare progress.

It sounds like you’ve got a nice selection of weights now Sharkie. I’ll think a bit longer, but will probably follow your 5, 6, 7kg example 💪
9 May
6:01pm, 9 May 2024
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Yikes! Have just done Day 27 - targeting my weak bits.

I used my new weights for the renegade rows. Kept them all quite slow and a VERY wide plank stance for the last set which I used the 7kgs for. 6kgs for the first two sets.

My pushups were as crap as ever. Have blogged details as per if anyone is interested in what I used (as opposed to what CG uses - I keep her weights noted!)

Down as low as 2 x 2.5 for the final superset of lateral raises and frontal raises. Me poor little arms!
9 May
7:59pm, 9 May 2024
26,969 posts
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Sounds like a good workout, Sharkie. That's an impressive weight for Renegade rows. Push ups are so hard. I've heard that putting a resistance band just above your elbows helps with getting the full ROM.
I've done day 5. The arms were (relatively) fine. I'm familiar with nearly all the exercises so knew that 7kg would be about right, with the 3kg in reserve.
But the abs flow was horrible. That's my weakest area. I can't get my legs straight up for toe touches or over my head for reverse crunches, I didn't really know what each of the exercises were so missed some of the 30 second ones as I tried to work out what was happening but I did enough that I could feel it and felt a bit sick by the end. Sign of working hard I guess.
9 May
8:40pm, 9 May 2024
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You're not alone with crunch probs Gimme. I have ALWAYS had problems getting my shoulders off the floor. I much prefer reverse crunches -head and shoulders down - and a slow small movement that really targets the lower abs. You don't need to throw your legs over your head - that's momentum and cheating anyway :-) and a bend in the legs is ok - just make sure you lift your tailbone (coccyx) off the floor.

I always look at the written list under the You Tube vid and copy it somewhere (like an unpublished blog) Then I whizz through the vid so I know what's coming up and if there's anything I'm not familiar with or will need to adapt.

I stick pretty religiously to her exercises with the exception for abs - where I might do something that corresponds and is just as taxing.
9 May
8:42pm, 9 May 2024
54,084 posts
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I’m taking my aching body to bed!
Stiff as a board
Might have to walk to work rather than run!
I hope that day 1 is as I read the worse!
9 May
8:54pm, 9 May 2024
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I look at the next session and write down what we'll be doing and get the weights organised, but hadn't thought about having a sneaky peak to be sure I know what I'll be doing - good tip, Sharkie 👍
Day 6 on Saturday - quads. I'm looking forward to that.
9 May
8:55pm, 9 May 2024
22,546 posts
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Just remember - it's only half an hour.

And I have certainly found it's kind of easier to do the further you get into the programme. Not cos the exercises get easier - they certainly don't - but you get used to doing regular half hour workouts.

About This Thread

Caroline Girvan - tiny but tough, sweet but strong.

Here's a thread rather in the manner of the Shred craze that swept Fetchland some years ago, or perhaps more recently (and less bossily) Adriene's 30 Days of Yoga each year. I found Caroline Girvan via geordiegirl (ta, GG!) and am well impressed with her workouts. I'm currently on Day 27 of her 30 day Iron Series and have STUCK TO IT. Wonders will never cease, I was beginning to despair of the likelihood of me getting any sort...

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