Sweet Caroline

23 watchers
9 May
2:40pm, 9 May 2024
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Caroline Girvan - tiny but tough, sweet but strong.

Here's a thread rather in the manner of the Shred craze that swept Fetchland some years ago, or perhaps more recently (and less bossily) Adriene's 30 days of yoga each year. I found Caroline Girvan via geordiegirl (ta, GG!) and am well impressed with her workouts. I'm currently on Day 27 of her 30 day Iron Series and have STUCK TO IT. Wonders will never cease, I was beginning to despair of the likelihood of me getting any sort of consistency to my S&C work without the aid of a PT or coach. The alarmingly orange* Caroline really is the next best thing.

I find her workouts so sound that I am going to go through the Iron Series again once I finish this round of 30 in the next few days.

I know several other Fechies are using CG, or at least thinking about it. Thought this would be a good place to compare notes, jolly each other along and generally SHOW OFF when we complete stuff. (Might be joking, might not)

Can easily self destruct thread if no-one interested...

* she 'is' Irish but I'm referring to her tan rather than any Paisleyesque tendencies.
9 May
2:43pm, 9 May 2024
22,534 posts
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Also 'Sweet Caroline' - theme song of the Lionesses. And they're suitably strong, inspiring young women.
9 May
2:43pm, 9 May 2024
54,072 posts
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(Staggers in)
Day one yesterday seemed OK as I used very light weights or none

I now some 24 hours later have serious butt DOMS!

Aim is to do day 2 on Saturday
9 May
2:44pm, 9 May 2024
22,535 posts
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Hurrah! I have a customer. xxxx
9 May
2:52pm, 9 May 2024
5,068 posts
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Elsie Too
I've seen you guys blogging about this and think it's a great idea but have yet to take the plunge. I'll start watching the thread in the hope that it gives the more motivation. Can't commit to anything today because I'm going rock climbing tonight for the first time in 28ish years - gulp.
9 May
2:59pm, 9 May 2024
54,081 posts
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I'm a sucker for a follow-along workout. Not sure I can fit it all in amongst rowing, swimming, cycling and running but I'm tempted. And all training is cross-training for something else right?
9 May
3:03pm, 9 May 2024
85,916 posts
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I've come to hate that song so much, and I don't do workouts, on or offline.

This is not a thread for me. However, it has been tagged to allow the like-minded to find it and play along.
9 May
3:06pm, 9 May 2024
22,537 posts
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In my case McGoohan cross training for BALLET and Contemporary dance. And a bit of athletics. I've found it surprisingly easy to stick with - the 'Iron Series' is just half an hour a day. Her plan is five workouts a week, but I've done three or four.

It's pretty easy to make it work with others (ahem) fitness commitments.

You have to put up with weird (probably free) music in the background but hey, I'm tough, I've been to gyms.
9 May
3:17pm, 9 May 2024
13,987 posts
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I started on Sunday with day one - lots of squats and lunges and BOY did I ache for two days afterwards! I can now sit down without uttering a loud OW. FTR I used 5kg dumbbells and a conservative range of motion - basically whatever my back and crunchy left knee were comfortable with.

Day two has been delayed because life, but will be tackled either tonight or (more likely) tomorrow. I'll be happy with three sessions a week.
9 May
3:26pm, 9 May 2024
22,538 posts
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I'm 'sort of' good at lunges and squats - unlike upper body work which I think I'm CRAP with - but there are so many lunges in her legs workouts that they do hit the spot.

I've mainly used 4.5s or 5s for the lunges - had hoped to go up to 6s but No Way José at least for now. Day 26 had lunge holds - stop dead at bottom of movement then. rise at the ten seconds beep. BLOODY HELL! A minute of that and you know it. Even with just 5kgs.

About This Thread

Maintained by Sharkie
Caroline Girvan - tiny but tough, sweet but strong.

Here's a thread rather in the manner of the Shred craze that swept Fetchland some years ago, or perhaps more recently (and less bossily) Adriene's 30 Days of Yoga each year. I found Caroline Girvan via geordiegirl (ta, GG!) and am well impressed with her workouts. I'm currently on Day 27 of her 30 day Iron Series and have STUCK TO IT. Wonders will never cease, I was beginning to despair of the likelihood of me getting any sort...

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