Sep 2018
8:34am, 6 Sep 2018
64,842 posts
NN - assume you are already at stickboy weight ?
Add volume to improve the aerobic engine the put back in
Thing like 3 x 3km off 3 mins 5 x 2kms off 2 mins
You need to improve the engine to do these reps close to aspirational pace.
Finally though bite this off in smaller chunks
Sep 2018
3:54pm, 6 Sep 2018
2,284 posts
Pizza Boy
NN just concentrate first and foremost on getting an uninterrupted period of good volume weeks in - add in some sessions like those Gobi suggests and you'll be on your way! Make sure each run and session has a purpose and that you are giving your body different stimuli i.e. if you do a workout like 6 x mile / 90'' mid-week then let your second be different maybe tempo work or a progression run. Get some under pace in there as well something like alternating 2k (10kp) / 1k (5kp) reps is good for this.
I am going to give a parkrun a blast on Saturday getting primed for Copenhagen the following week. Could you give thoughts on Newbury as a good time trial option Gobi?
Sep 2018
4:21pm, 6 Sep 2018
2,834 posts
Ninky Nonk
Thanks all good advice.
Need to get the longer reps and marathon pace work in and although I'm not fat (69kg and 6') probably 2kg more than racing weight.
Mileage is 70ish at moment. Managing a few niggles but they're improving. I'll just keep working at it.
Sep 2018
4:26pm, 6 Sep 2018
2,835 posts
Ninky Nonk
And yes rhb it is wilmslow.
No I didn't start in the elite pen.
If you're after any long run company we have a half decent regular Sunday group at alty. Always welcome - just drop me a fb message.
Sep 2018
4:45pm, 6 Sep 2018
64,850 posts
How tall NN ?
PB- the newer course is not as fast as the old one but you can still tap out a good effort on it.
Sep 2018
4:50pm, 6 Sep 2018
2,285 posts
Pizza Boy
Cool cheers will try!
NN - it's a never ending debate r.e. weight. Personally, I certainly wouldn't worry too much about it. In the past I have tried to lose a few pounds whilst also training hard but broke down and immune system was rubbish. If you train hard you'll shed a few by race day without even thinking about it don't force it.
Sep 2018
6:37pm, 6 Sep 2018
2,836 posts
Ninky Nonk
Honestly I don't focus on weight and I eat pretty well. Just need to cut down on booze and odd office cakes. I'm 6foot and body fat about 12-13% by my scales.
14 miles including 4x1miles at 5.50 (mp) and 0.5mile recovery at easy pace. It's a start.
Sep 2018
1:12pm, 8 Sep 2018
2,286 posts
Pizza Boy
Meh - funny one at Newbury. Was hoping to run in the vicinity of 15:45 and knowing there was an uphill finish I had hoped for perhaps 5.00, 5.00, 5.10-15 splits (ish). Was spot on first two miles at least by my watch then a 5.17 but suprisingly came in 16:07 measuring the course around 80m long. I know always a risk with parkruns but that's the first time I've seen on strava such a universally measured long course.
Regardless my fault for being a slave to the watch. Main point is I felt comfortable and am far from exhausted so just got to get the taper right this week ahead of the half.
Sep 2018
7:49pm, 8 Sep 2018
1,358 posts
Decent-ish parkrun this morning, 18:38 on a slow (up and down, twisty) course. Nothing special but it was better than I expected to be able to do as I was feeling pretty ropy. I ran to the start, 2.3 miles away, so I had a good warmup beforehand, something I don't normally do with my more local parkrun (which is only 5 minutes away). I'm crap in the mornings, and never seem to be ready for a 9am run, but I may try the 2 mile warmup in the future, even for my local one, as a perk-me-up.
Sep 2018
12:19pm, 9 Sep 2018
1,062 posts
NN enjoy Wimslow i briefly considered it but i'd be stretching myself too thin around other stuff.
Ta for the Sunday offer, mostly swimming then at mo as it's daughters lesson but once she progresses & changes groups this could free me up to join your group. I'll be in touch then.