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Ladies Who Lift...

97 watchers
Jun 2019
5:50pm, 16 Jun 2019
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The Barbell Prescription is a Starting Strength publication aimed at codgers. Barbell Medicine is the website (not a book) that's run by coaches and contributors who broke away from Starting Strength. There are huge differences in the training philosophy and programmes (BBM does not encourage swilling down gallons of milk a day and is quite prescriptive about maximum acceptable waist size, and uses RPE as a training metric), the tone (BBM is very much more cerebral, though just as uncompromising in its own way as SS, and enforces civility in its forums and on Facebook) and the professional background of the site owners.
Jun 2019
5:53pm, 16 Jun 2019
28,048 posts
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Oops! Mixed them up. Thanks for the summary.
Jul 2019
9:35am, 12 Jul 2019
71 posts
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Love Lettuce
I've been lifting with the same personal trainer for about 2 years now. She's fantastic - I'm stronger than I've ever been and it's had a massive impact on my running and swimming. But, because she's so good I've been able to be very passive: I just show up 2-3 times a week and do exactly what I'm told.

Last night the PT broke the news that she's moving to France in October, so now I have to decide what to do after she leaves. Should I find another PT, or do I step up and learn enough to start putting together my own programme? I don't really feel confident on my own, but suspect this is mainly to do with laziness in educating myself
Jul 2019
12:20pm, 12 Jul 2019
1,611 posts
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LL why not ask her for a programme you can follow on your own or use an app or old school notebook
Jul 2019
12:28pm, 12 Jul 2019
9,865 posts
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LL do you have a specific target or goal in mind atm?
Jul 2019
12:56pm, 12 Jul 2019
73 posts
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Love Lettuce
Lammo, I'm realising that up until now I haven't really had any specific strength training goals. I like being able to squat/deadlift/clean end press/etc heavier and heavier over time, and my primary goal has always been to do strength training that will make me swim and run better - which it had. But basically I've been trusting the trainer to put together workouts for me rather than learning the theory behind it. I've found that I like lifting heavy things, but don't really know how to go about doing it safely on my own...

Gus - good suggestion to ask for a programme. That would help me get started while I scrabble to learn all the stuff I haven't bothered learning until now!
Jul 2019
1:22pm, 12 Jul 2019
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There are other aspects (I think) to having a trainer though - I mean I guess it gets you out to the gym, someone to speak to, someone who can make sure you are doing things correctly, someone to be accountable to etc.

I guess it depends on what you get overall from having a trainer and if you think you'll enjoy it as much without. Not that there is anything wrong with learning the theory behind it, its good to know all you can about the things you do, just that the PT might not just be about the knowledge.
Jul 2019
1:24pm, 12 Jul 2019
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I was happy today as I managed to do a PB across strict press, push press and push jerk - I did 27.5kg across them all. When I started CrossFit I found the 15kg empty bar difficult :)
Jul 2019
1:46pm, 12 Jul 2019
74 posts
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Love Lettuce
Well done Jambomo!

You're right that having a trainer has been really good for accountability, making sure technique is right, and having the confidence to go in the scary gym with the scary weights and the grunty men. I'm wondering whether I'm mature enough to go it alone just yet, or whether I still need that support.

CrossFit is another alternative I've been considering as I live just down the road from a Box. But aside from watching the CrossFit Games on Netflix I've never tried it. Is it worth looking at as an alternative to finding another PT?
Jul 2019
3:22pm, 12 Jul 2019
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Well at the risk of becoming a “CrossFit is my religion” nutter, yes I’d definitely say it’s worth looking at.

I totally love doing it, it’s probably the one form of exercise (apart from OW swimming) that I look forward to doing and as I go to the 6am sessions, that level of stupidity is only achieved by doing something you enjoy!

It’s a good mix of cardio and weights so you get a very good workout. It’s also scaled at the start so you begin from a place that is suitable for you and not what the workout says.

It’s individual workouts but the “class” feel and having someone who is almost a PT/instructor is also great because you have a laugh and it makes it fun rather than a “serious session” but you don’t work any less hard despite that.

I would say that some CrossFit places are better than others. I went (very briefly) to a place near my old house which wasn’t very good and it kind of put me off initially. Mainly because they were full on and trying to push diets etc at me etc. Not my thing. I am glad I gave my current place a go though, so It’s worth looking around to see which place suits you.

About This Thread

Maintained by Sharkie
... a weights wire for women.

And in case you're wondering about that title, well, I like alliteration and one can be too po-faced about the use of girl/lady/woman.

Here's a strength standards for women thing Duracel found for us
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