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Ian Williams aka Fetch
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Ladies Who Lift...

97 watchers
Aug 2019
1:04pm, 2 Aug 2019
16,435 posts
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Fraggle I will but the local PT is crap and getting in with the brilliant one is hard to get to and book!

Rosehip I pay £28:50 for gym pool and classes (which I don't do!) But it's corporate cost and will go up as taken over recently and undergoing 1.3millon pound referb

Other local gym is 25 gym only or 65 for everything
Aug 2019
2:18pm, 2 Aug 2019
12,525 posts
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early bird
I pay £60 per month for unlimited classes and open access to the gym at all times. I can drop it to £40 per month for just gym access if I want though. This is a 'crossfit box' though and a not a 'gym' so probably not really comparable to a 'normal gym' if you understand what I mean. Any time I've spoken to someone they've said what a food price it is for a crossfit gym.
Aug 2019
2:23pm, 2 Aug 2019
13,202 posts
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- the local box is £80 a month unlimited use :(

The pool/gym/classes - cheapest is £360 for a year- off-peak only, which I almost went with until I saw the £50 "admin fee" which is ridiculous (then there's induction on top of that!). with peak hours it's nearly twice that!

I paid about £30 (maybe less, corporate rates, for David Lloyd) paying more for a council/consortium seems excessive.
Aug 2019
2:39pm, 2 Aug 2019
7,031 posts
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I paid £90 a month for David Lloyd until recently (NOT corporate!) It was worth it because I was doing about 6 classes a week.

Currently doing PT at local Crossfit place (which is why I wandered in here...) before they’ll let me do classes. They also charge £90 a month for unlimited access, or £10 a class. Not quite sure yet how I’m going to get best value for money.
Aug 2019
2:41pm, 2 Aug 2019
42,568 posts
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Our garage gym is starting to look like very good value for money :-O
Aug 2019
3:05pm, 2 Aug 2019
28,841 posts
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MSC is expensive (£50-90) but if you're someone that mainly wants to do weights and will go several times a week and make use of the expertise then it's worth it.

Probably not worth it in the long term for a runner doing two weights sessions a week.
Aug 2019
3:06pm, 2 Aug 2019
13,205 posts
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If I want to lift anything heavier than the 5kg dumbells I've got here I'll need to join a gym. Think I'll try PAYG at the local one for starters - I can run there and back and if I don't go I don't pay. - and PAYG swim at the other one.

If I find I am spending more than the monthly cost of pool/gym and getting into a routine and enjoying it - maybe that's the time to sign up.

Have signed up for a 6-week pilates course with a friend from next month (teacher turned PT ) maybe she can sort me out with stuff to do at home as well.
Aug 2019
3:10pm, 2 Aug 2019
28,842 posts
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Easy gym in Birmingham Central was £18 were bought out by gym group and membership actually reduced to £14 per month.
Aug 2019
3:49pm, 2 Aug 2019
79 posts
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£9.99 a month for local year old Xercise4less gym (which was opening offer-now around £16 a month for new members). No pool/sauna but good range of classes and outstanding range of cardio and weights equipment. Would be a bargain but for the thrice a week boot camp and twice weekly PT sessions on top of that.
Aug 2019
3:54pm, 2 Aug 2019
80 posts
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I have had cardio equipment and the odd dumbbell/kettlebell in a home gym before but there is no way could get anything close to the range of equipment/weight types I use at the gym without spending hundreds of pounds.

About This Thread

Maintained by Sharkie
... a weights wire for women.

And in case you're wondering about that title, well, I like alliteration and one can be too po-faced about the use of girl/lady/woman.

Here's a strength standards for women thing Duracel found for us
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