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Weight training

2 watchers
Sep 2012
8:39am, 30 Sep 2012
151 posts
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So, weight training is a good thing apparently, for all sorts of reasons, but the gym, even the local council one is scary! I have read up quite a lot and am even more worried now about form and injuries and how much to lift and OMG how much protein do you need to eat!

So would love to hear from people - esp women - who lift, how did you get started?
Sep 2012
9:00am, 30 Sep 2012
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wiener dog
I started weight training 10 years ago before I ever ran. I usually do 3 workouts ( split into chest/ biceps / Front shoulders - Back / Triceps / Rear shoulders - Then legs ) a week.

I have never had any injuries from lifting weights ( plenty from running lol )

Imo the most important thing is to perform each rep slowly and concentrate on the working muscles focusing on the downward/lowering phase of each exercise. It's not about how much weight you can shift - I work in a gym and see so many people ( usually young men! ) :-)

I don't really eat excessive amounts of protein as I find that my normal diet seems to be ok - I use MFP for calorie counting and find that the recommended protein for me is always over at the end of a day ( but I eat meat and a lot of yoghurt so that's prob why )

As for how much weight to lift I work to the rule that the last 2 or 3 reps in a set should be hard if not go up a weight if too hard go down a weight.
Sep 2012
1:40pm, 30 Sep 2012
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Get someone at the gym to show you what proper form is (if using free weights)...that way you can avoid injury through not doing it correctly. If you're planning to use machines, get someone to show you how to use them properly, so you're hitting the muscles in the right way.

Hubby taught me everything I know...as he had done weights for years, so made sure I was doing it right. You don't need to eat large (excessive) amounts of protein...unless you're planning to do bodybuilding...which is a completely different kettle of fish. I found my normal diet is fine with weights.

Speaking of which, I should start doing more weights again...I've been neglecting that aspect of my training recently.
Sep 2012
3:16pm, 30 Sep 2012
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I use free weights at home generally because I have a family history of osteoporosis (Mum and an aunt both have it and my Mum has problems with her back as a result). If I'm away on holiday I go into a hotel gym but otherwise I just use light weights at home, 3 to 5kg depending on the exercise. My OH has drawn up the routines for me. Three different ones that I do once a week. I think he got a lot of the info for the routines from this website...


It has some useful videos on it to show you the correct way to do the exercises.
Sep 2012
4:20pm, 30 Sep 2012
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You don't need to change the amount of protein in your diet at all unless you particularly try to avoid all sources of protein currently
Sep 2012
5:15pm, 30 Sep 2012
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i am vegetarian but really work on getting plenty of protein :) Thanks all, will find out if I can get some specific help at the gym
Oct 2012
7:15pm, 1 Oct 2012
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I have ordered 'The New Rules of lifting for women' which is apparently a bible and I got a good price on Ebay, the other one is Starting Strength..but its £35....

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So, weight training is a good thing apparently, for all sorts of reasons, but the gym, even the loca...
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