Ladies Who Lift...

1 lurker | 95 watchers
May 2019
4:03pm, 13 May 2019
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Captain Malcolm Reynolds
Wahey Duracell! Howโ€™s it going my lovely?
May 2019
7:53pm, 13 May 2019
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You should definitely post more :)

I've just been working away - still just over 2 months out from next comp, so the proper strength work will be about to step up a bit! Currently at 87.5kg for 5 reps of squat and 42kg for 5 reps of bench (just missed the 5th rep at 43kg last week - it'll be mine this week ;) ) and 110kg for 3 reps of deadlift (trying to work on perfecting good form, rather than upping weight at the mo).
May 2019
11:46am, 14 May 2019
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early bird
Yes max you should definitely post more. How are you getting on?
May 2019
10:45pm, 20 May 2019
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I've started doing some lifting again. I'm very weak :-O Haven't decided yet whether to use my cranky knee as an excuse to dodge squats or use squats as an additional way of trying to persuade my cranky knee to repair itself.
May 2019
11:11pm, 20 May 2019
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*waves to EB and CR*

Things are good, it's been so lovely watching everyone's achievements, I fucking LOVE women lifting, and the proper old school Fetch support.

I'm mostly encouraging my clients to lift...a lot....and it makes them happy.

(I scored a 3RM back squat today (65kg), I've been off running and weights for nearly four months and today was my first proper day back for both)
May 2019
8:10am, 21 May 2019
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4 months?!? How?

Iโ€™ve been off for 5 weeks and itโ€™s doing my head in... Iโ€™m able to do squats and lunges now - no weight - just to get back into the movements.
May 2019
1:50pm, 21 May 2019
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early bird
*waves back at Max*

Great work Max sorry to hear you've off for four months but sounds like you're making a great comeback already ๐Ÿ˜Š

Cath hope things continue to progress well ๐Ÿคž

Me I'm a little scared to head back to the gym been off nearly two weeks now and I know it's gonna hurt like crazy. Have an exam tomorrow so just finished a short day time to cram like crazy this afternoon
May 2019
3:06pm, 24 May 2019
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early bird
First visit back to gym gentle introduction back with warmup of planks and core followed by light prowler work, ski erg and gtoh (ground to overhead with a weight). Hard work as expected but lovely to be back in there ๐Ÿ˜Š
May 2019
3:18pm, 24 May 2019
41,715 posts
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Great stuff, eb gorilla

I attached the leg doodah to our weights bench for the first time in as long as I can remember today, so that I could do hamstring curls. Just very light, to get accustomed to the movement. And because "very light" is all I can manage at the moment.
May 2019
9:40am, 25 May 2019
12,447 posts
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early bird
Couldn't remember what I bench pressed last time at the gym so just winged it and managed 1 set at 22 1/2kg then 2 sets at 27 1/5k grand and then 2 sets at 30 kg. Admittedly all sets were of 8 except the 30kg where I dropped to 5 and had a tiny bit of assistence on the last rep but happy with that after 2 weeks off and previous best was 25kg.
Warmed up practising clean skills before that and then a nice little finisher of 5 rounds of 10 kettlebell squats, 10 ring rows and 150m ski erg. Nice quick session in and out. Time to shower and change then head out to local music festival ๐Ÿ˜Š happy bank holiday everyone

About This Thread

... a weights wire for women.

And in case you're wondering about that title, well, I like alliteration and one can be too po-faced about the use of girl/lady/woman.

Here's a strength standards for women thing Duracel found for us

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  • sports
  • strength
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