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Ladies Who Lift...

2 lurkers | 97 watchers
Sep 2018
5:47pm, 15 Sep 2018
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Well I'm just saying that I understand the intimidation thing - and it will never be too late. In the meantime though you MUST be impressed with yourself about Crossfit... you describe it so well and so positively - you're a bit of an ambassador now!
Sep 2018
6:34pm, 15 Sep 2018
18,280 posts
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Lizzie W
eb, my old club went to track once a month, which was a gentle introduction.
Sep 2018
10:03pm, 17 Sep 2018
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early bird
Lizzie I'm not doing any regular running as such atm other than what I'm doing in crossfit. The club that uses our local track mostly, is a club I have briefly visited. As a member of the slow group we were almost discouraged from going. "it's not really for the slow group more for the 'others although if you wanted to go you can but you would just do your own stuff not be with them" I only went a few more times after that.

Crossfit was tough tonight. Main workout was dumbell snatches (12kg) x 20 and burpee over box jumps x 10 with 60 secs rest and then carry on for as many rounds as possible for 15 minutes.

I got tagged in a social media post, I'm not happy about that 🤨 The person tagging me knows I'm not happy seeing myself in the the videos (mentioned tonight) so they decided it would be a good idea to tag me anyway!

Tonight was the first time I've done box jumps in the workout. I have really poor hip mobility and struggle to get the explosive power for the jump up so big step tonight!

All improvements no matter how small are good. I might have the smallest box in the gym but it's a box I'm no longer jumping onto stacked plates.
Sep 2018
10:43pm, 17 Sep 2018
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I did a set of slightly-over-bodyweight deadlifts this evening. eL Bee! videoed them. There was some gruesome back form. I think I may need to drop the weight again to work on that. In my defence, I was tired from a hideous day at work, but being tired isn't an excuse for bad weightlifting, it would have been better not to have done it at all.
Sep 2018
10:01pm, 29 Sep 2018
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Am v. happy that my return to weightlifting has already reaped athletic rewards.

I got two PBs today - in the shot put and the discus. Ive had little or no throws coaching this year so I can only put it down to increased strength/power.

Javelin - which relies much more heavily on technique was appalling!
Oct 2018
3:37pm, 2 Oct 2018
1,541 posts
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In an effort to get my lazy arse in gear I’ve signed up and paid for a six week ladies beginner weights course at my local gym! My older daughter has just finished it and has raved about how good she is feeling. It should be just what I need to kickstart my getting back to exercising again.
Oct 2018
3:41pm, 2 Oct 2018
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Excellent, Gus gorilla

Back to the garage for me last night after a long week off. Once again, I shouldn't have attempted to deadlift because I was much too tired to keep all my body parts where they were supposed to be.
Oct 2018
3:43pm, 2 Oct 2018
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Flushed with the weekend's throwing success I was raring to get back in the big boys gym today.

Bench still v.difficult for me but I've moved on a bit shoulder pressing and my pull seems to be stronger than my push if progress on the lat pulldown is anytihng to go off:

It's a silly machine that goes up in big jumps with no smaller bars to adjust the weights between. As 6 reps at 27.5 seemed easy I moved on to 35k - crikey that was hard for a little old lady! Managed 4 - just, then 2 ... and completes by gonig back to 27.5 for another 6. 35kg might just be a lat pull PB -I will have to check back.
Oct 2018
3:49pm, 2 Oct 2018
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Two posts while I was typing.

That's great Gus, welcome to the thread (or have you been here before and I'm just being a bit senior?)

I wondered about tiredness today too, V-rap. It's too useful to miss the big gym at the Athletics Centre (cheaper than Hastings and a billion more facilities!) but I was truly DONE IN by Sunday night and couldn't sleep that night either (bloody comps!)

However I ate well yesterday, DIDNT DO TOO MUCH WALKING (ignore stipid fitbit you dumbo) , got a decent nights zzzzzz and felt ok in the gyn today.
Oct 2018
3:58pm, 2 Oct 2018
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I'm sure being fresh and rested helps, Sharkie. Which is relatively easy for people for whom lifting weights is their main sport, but harder for those of us for whom it is cross-training.

On the weightlifting forums, there's much whining on about being wiped out or even unwell for days after a hefty weights session. I can't get my head round that. Heaven help 'em if they took up long distance running ;)

About This Thread

Maintained by Sharkie
... a weights wire for women.

And in case you're wondering about that title, well, I like alliteration and one can be too po-faced about the use of girl/lady/woman.

Here's a strength standards for women thing Duracel found for us
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