Ladies Who Lift...

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Sep 2018
5:44pm, 14 Sep 2018
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Pardon me for intruding, may i ask a question?

Isnt deadlifting back strength as well? Always feels like my lower back is the weak point for me...
Sep 2018
5:48pm, 14 Sep 2018
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Deadlift does have a lot to do with back strength, as well as legs (particularly hamstrings). I do like deadlift, but get really frustrated if I can't get my position on point!

My weightlifting /squat shoes arrived today - I'm excited to try them and see if I feel any difference in the heavier squats /bench!
Sep 2018
5:51pm, 14 Sep 2018
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We-e-ell. I think the back issue comes under technique/good form. If you round your back you'll probably hurt it. You have to maintain a neutral spine (which can look very slightly curved the other way ie concave.) So legs, bum and good technique involving an ahem!) strong and stable trunk.
Sep 2018
5:53pm, 14 Sep 2018
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Ladies like idle_wilder, early bird and lou ... well actually all of you! - will deadlift MUCH more than me because I AM OLD.
Sep 2018
6:05pm, 14 Sep 2018
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I'm going to disagree slightly with Sharkie. Agree it can be a form issue but the lower back will work quite a bit isometrically in the deadlift. In fact you can use the deadlift to target strengthening that and if it is your weak point (leg/ glutes stronger than lower back), you will likely feel it more there.

So, you need to work out which one it is.
Sep 2018
6:17pm, 14 Sep 2018
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Thanks for the input and perspectives, i can see that poor form would lead to back strain, but i think / hope, it's just my weakest link

Haven't done any deadlifting for ages, might have a go next week
Sep 2018
6:39pm, 14 Sep 2018
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Not really disagreeing SPR - You just put it better... lower back works isometrically - or should do! I guess I think that it WON'T work properly unless you get the form/technique right?
Sep 2018
6:54pm, 14 Sep 2018
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Incidentally SPR, I have taken a leaf outof your book and am thinking in terms of 6 rep sets rather than 8-10, unless there's a good reason as there was today with Lat Pull.

Lat Pull in the Lee Valley gym doesn't have the small bars at the top that mean you can increase the weight more gradually. It leaps from 20 to 27.5 and then (I think) to 35. So it was 3 x (27.5 x 8) for me. It was the end of a log double session - if I do it earlier I will 'try' 35. I need to check how heavy I've gone at the Hastings gym.

Lat pulls MUCH easier than bench. But then everytihng is! Beanie says I've got long arms and they're not helping!
Sep 2018
8:28pm, 14 Sep 2018
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Agree Sharkie re technique. How are you finding 6 reps? Presume you've found you don't get the burn you may have got when doing 8-10?

My default is 5 but I do 6 and 3 sometimes.
Sep 2018
10:26pm, 14 Sep 2018
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early bird
Sharkie I am old! AND overweight so my deadlifts look more impressive than they actually are.

Deadlifts do make my back ache but not hurt. Sumo deadlifts are the work of the devil if done correctly!

About This Thread

... a weights wire for women.

And in case you're wondering about that title, well, I like alliteration and one can be too po-faced about the use of girl/lady/woman.

Here's a strength standards for women thing Duracel found for us

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