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Ladies Who Lift...

97 watchers
Sep 2018
8:18pm, 8 Sep 2018
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Good lifting EB. Referring to your earlier post you're lifting quite heavy on a regular basis so can imagine you had some CNS fatigue.

What's a strict push press? I know strict press = no leg use.

Good luck in the comp IW.

How are you finding the book Vrap? Picked anything new to do from it?

I've kept my track season going a bit longer than initially planned (start beginning May ends this Thursday) and with road relays to come and a couple of weeks off/ easy, I won't be back into the gym till October now.
Sep 2018
8:59pm, 8 Sep 2018
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early bird
Hi SPR yes sorry me bad, strict press not strict push press lol. Basically bar from shoulders up over head no legs to help you. I'm very weak on upper body stuff but still try. I honestly very nearly didn't make that weight!
Sep 2018
9:29pm, 8 Sep 2018
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Well done EB. My upper body is far weaker than lower body, and I still dislike bench press very much! Last night's bench press just felt completely off and a struggle.

I'm going to be glad to go back in to strength routine - hypertrophy and 10 rep maxes/sets of 12 are so hard! Kept squat 10RM at 62.5kg last night, and the 3 sets of 12 at 52.5kg - didn't think I'd manage any more.

Will see what PT says next week - he's back from holiday, and I've now got 2 powerlifting comps entered (one is my first affiliated competition in October, then another gym comp in December.
Sep 2018
9:37pm, 8 Sep 2018
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early bird
Wow I_W 65kg as a 1RM was tough 10 would've been impossible for me, never mind 3 sets of 12 afterwards too! šŸ˜® A big wowsers at an affiliated competition! Wishing you all the best for your competitions šŸ˜ƒšŸ’ŖšŸ‹ļøā€ā™€ļø
Sep 2018
9:59pm, 8 Sep 2018
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Those bodyweight deadlifts will be mine next week gorilla I could probably have had them today, because my last set was 8 @ bodyweight-3kg and that was just comfortably heavy, but I'd done four increments to get to that weight and that's quite enough deadlifting for one session.

i_w, I'm the opposite - I think I'm a natural BodyPumper and like weights sessions that are basically cardio with gazillions of reps. And am trying not to do that at the moment, but it's SO tempting to do lots of warm-up sets of 12 or 15 reps instead of whanging some more weight on the bar and lifting for strength.

SPR, the main thing I'm getting from the book is that it's a voice of reason in the middle ground between "lift, don't run" (as in NROL4L and The Barbell Prescription) and "sit on a beach ball and fuck around with elastic bands, look, here are some photos of a pretty girl posing with pink dumbbells" (the resistance training section of most running books). I'm of the view that it would probably be better for my running in the short term if I stayed away from the weights, but I'm thinking of long term metabolic health and physical resilience rather than just running performance. There's also a lot in the book that I don't see as being personally relevant - if I'm wonky, I'm adapted to my wonkiness and nothing good will come of trying to stretch/drill/condition it out of me - but would be a brilliant resource for a coach. And it's very well written, and the photos of exercises being done correctly and incorrectly work well for me.
Sep 2018
7:36am, 9 Sep 2018
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Wow EB - impressive lifting!

Iā€™m sticking with the New Rules programme (ignoring the running advice as Iā€™m not a competitive runner anyway) which is working well for me at the moment.
Sep 2018
11:57am, 9 Sep 2018
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Strong lifting going on!

I'm slowly increasing my squats, decided not to bother deadlifting at the moment and feel like my upper body is as strong as it ever was if not better so keeping going with the plan of 3 gym sessions/ week when work doesn't screw it up!

I have less inclination to run at all these days - and boy does it show when I try and run over 6 miles.
Sep 2018
6:16pm, 9 Sep 2018
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early bird
Missed your post earlier Vrap about gymnastic grips. Yes totally agree you can get silly with somethings though hence my question if anyone had any recommendations. I know a few people at the gym use bear grip and victory grip. I have however looked at macciavelli which seem reasonable as a first pair. I'm still quite a way from a pull up even with the use of the heaviest band. I need to lose some ballast that will help and I'm stupid enough to think a nice expensive pair of grips will do it instead šŸ˜‰

I'm coming to conclusion that whilst I'm the weakest at my gym (of the regulars) it's all relative. I think it's a bit like being here. Some amazing runners on here seen as 'normal' but in the general population they are amazing. So although I'm weak in comparison to everyone at my gym I think I'm doing OK.

Loulou I'm with you on the running. I'm relatively happy enough to do 400m up to 1/2 mile 'jog' for warm ups I'm less happy to do any other form of running. It's a long time since I actually 'went for a run'.

I went to the gym this morning just to play for a bit no session as such. I think I'm struggling with pull ups partly because of weak core in combination with weak upper body. My core seems to collapse on the way down and as I'm using a resistance band my legs push out in front of me making it harder still to try and pull up again. Need to do more hollows and core work I think.
Played around with the empty bar practicing cleans. I tend to bring the bar off my body as it travels up. I know I'm conscious of it hitting my tummy and boobs so I think my form is suffering because of it. Also my shoulders tend to roll forward even in the shrug so I'm starting now to think shrug and back which helped keep the bar closer during travel.
Over head squats were next on empty bar. Upper body mobility is poor so definitely needs work. Struggled with the empty bar I was leaning to far forward so dropped down to a training bar (7kg) Got my head around bar/shoulder position by thinking of pushing the bar up in the handstand position. I did tend to push a bit too far back then but got some cues and think I got it. Moved back to the empty ladies bar (15kg) and felt much happier with my form.

Lastly skipping. I can single skip to my hearts content and it has started to feel 'lazy' I decided today to try double unders. I managed one lol. Went from landing on toes on singles to landing flat footed on doubles though so couldn't get any consecutive double unders. I managed to go from double under to singles and another double under back to singles again. Need to practice then it will come I'm sure.
I love lifting heavy like we did on Friday always has me leaving with a smile on my face much prefer that to doing metcons!
Sep 2018
10:21am, 10 Sep 2018
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Vrap - Yes good to have a book that thinks strength is important and should be done properly but doesn't think that it can replace running if that's your main goal.

I hate reps, I generally stay at 6 or below and my body feels better for it when running the next day usually. I'm also rubbish at upper body as I don't do any apart from what Olympic lifting imposes (jerk, OH squat, snatch balance, drop snatch). The one I find hardest of all those is the OH squat. Pull ups is the one bit of upper body I'd like to do regularly but someone needs to convince me it's vital to my running to keep me doing it consistently.
Sep 2018
11:26am, 10 Sep 2018
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I can't see that pull ups are in any way vital to your running, SPR. Helpful in some sort of antagonist training way, perhaps.

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Maintained by Sharkie
... a weights wire for women.

And in case you're wondering about that title, well, I like alliteration and one can be too po-faced about the use of girl/lady/woman.

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