Ladies Who Lift...

95 watchers
Aug 2018
5:10pm, 23 Aug 2018
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It also helps to be keen!
Aug 2018
6:58pm, 23 Aug 2018
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"Keen" is something I can sustain for short periods of time fish
Aug 2018
8:10pm, 23 Aug 2018
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Great work V'rap - good targets - you've inspired me to consider what my weight training targets could be.

Haven't tried barbell deadlifts on my own - might try them with PT again - we've been concentrating on squats.

I'm too scared to do barbell chest press yet - worried I crush my ICD which is totally irrational. I use 12.5kg dumbells instead. Could easily drop them on my chest but seems to feel less on an issue!!

And overhead press - 15kg feels easy but the step up to a 20kg bar is huge for me - I've discovered 17.5kg bars in the gym so might go halfway!

Somewhat obsessed with any form of a single arm row. Really feel them and see the progress in my back.
Aug 2018
8:24pm, 23 Aug 2018
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Having stapled myself doing bench presses a few weeks ago I can understand your concern, LouLou. I started leaving the bar uncuffed after that so that I could tip the weights off one side if I got into trouble, and was happy to do up to 27kg on my own but asked eL Bee! to spot when I went up to 28kg.
Aug 2018
8:03pm, 25 Aug 2018
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I also had my first experience of lone benching failure a couple of weeks ago, resulting in having to roll the bar down my body (and felt like I bruised my pubic bone!!).

Been doing new hypertrophy routines for past couple of weeks - feels fairly horrific to be doing 10/12 reps, after doing maxes of 5 for so long. Never fails to amaze me how much I'm sweating during these sessions!

I've also just entered a 'proper' official powerlifting competition in October, and have ordered a singlet to try....
Aug 2018
8:40pm, 25 Aug 2018
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Excellent, i_w :)
Sep 2018
1:06pm, 6 Sep 2018
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I do believe I've *got it* now as regards perception of my lower back position idea I can "feel" right from wrong when doing squats and deadlifts, and am doing proper sets rather than spluttering out single reps.

Getting DOMS in my back after my first batch of proper deadlifts was a little unexpected. I was most aggrieved - a stiff and painful back is just not a thing I ever get. But I did a heavier session on Monday and was fine afterwards.
Sep 2018
10:21pm, 7 Sep 2018
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early bird
I got a back squat triple pb of 60kg on Wednesday. I am happy with that but think there's more in the tank as it wasn't exactly a huge struggle. I know I fear not being able to complete a rep too so don't push myself too hard. It's silly as I know how to bail out. I have I think finally figured out the technique for loading and breathing to maximise results.

Deadlifts I'm struggling with. Using 75kg as part of a WOD (sets of 25/20/15/10/5 alongside power cleans and burpees) I had back ache the next day. Nothing horrendous but I always worry about getting back ache. It's none existent now so I have to believe its just because I've 'used' it.

Reduced the time I've spent at the gym recently as I'd upped it to 4-5 times a week. Although it didn't feel like too much I hit a bit run down and I think my body was saying pull back a bit. Gone back to 3 times a week for now.

I'm still chasing the ever elusive pull up/chin up.

Was annoyed with my bench press a few weeks ago. I struggled massively but bear the end I found out my position was wrong and in the correct pose it was easier. Oh well live and learn I guess.

Anyone use gymnastic grips for pull ups/ toes to bar etc? If so any recommendations...
Sep 2018
7:17pm, 8 Sep 2018
12,341 posts
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early bird
Back squat 1RM 65kg
Strict pushpress 1RM 27.5kg
Deadlift 1RM 100kg

Session done today so we can calculate our 80% for next week. I forsee a head week ahead!
Sep 2018
7:50pm, 8 Sep 2018
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Well impressed, eb! My shoulders are hiding under the sofa at the thought of pushpressing 27.5kg.

Some squats on Wednesday (two warm-up sets then 3 sets of 10 at 38kg) left me with DOMS that still hadn't gone away by this morning. I'd had two weeks off squats because I had races on two consecutive weekends. It's probably best that I don't let that happen if I'm going to do squats at all.

I've just looked up gymnastics grips and fallen down a whole new rabbit hole of sports kit :-O

About This Thread

... a weights wire for women.

And in case you're wondering about that title, well, I like alliteration and one can be too po-faced about the use of girl/lady/woman.

Here's a strength standards for women thing Duracel found for us

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