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Ladies Who Lift...

97 watchers
Sep 2018
1:48pm, 10 Sep 2018
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Vrap - Yes that's the issue, it's hard to even come up with a reason to do them that's running related. The antagonist training angle from a weight lifting perspective (the Jerk being a push) is the an angle I've thought off but hasn't been enough to get me to do it regularly, despite the fact that I could do them in the house.
Sep 2018
2:23pm, 10 Sep 2018
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I struggle to get myself to do them and I do a sport that is basically sequences of assisted pull ups and have all the kit I need in the house, SPR. eL Bee! has been doing pull ups every day for a little while and he climbed extremely well yesterday.
Sep 2018
2:41pm, 10 Sep 2018
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I'd love to be able to do a pull up, i have very heavy legs
Sep 2018
2:43pm, 10 Sep 2018
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I can do singles with long rests between each effort. In theory the other lifting I do shouldn't help with pull ups, but I think it has.
Sep 2018
6:36pm, 11 Sep 2018
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It's fantastic to read about the progress and general enthusiasm for lifting and resistance work on here. Am proud! (Not that it's anytihng to do with me but you know what I mean)

I am now the official weakling and LOL (little old lady) of the thread... but although I can't alter my senior status I would be littler and weaker if I wasn't lifting so today i went back in the real gym for the first time in ages.

Buddies can read my session (not that's it's interesting) it's the fourth in two weeks but the first in the gym so I was interested to discover where I am.

In brief: Bench still v. hard for me, squats ok.lat pulls ok and deadlift probably the easiest/closest to where I was six months ago. It's definitely more satisfying to go to a proper gym - if a lot less convenient.
Sep 2018
4:14pm, 14 Sep 2018
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Second 'proper' gym session of the week for me. I'd done over an hour on the track (loads of drills, HJ, 2 x 200s. 8 x shot) so I kept it short.

I knew bench would be compromised by lobbing a shot about but it was ok considering. Forgot my sleeve so didn't bother with squats - went straight to deadlift.

Why is deadlift so much easier than anything else? I started at 40kg x 6 and moved up to 45 x 6 x 2 which I felt was a steady progression from Tuesday. Then - just because - I did 1 rep at 55kg. I think that my DL PB (it's more than I weigh) so I'm perhaps back where i was, but just with deadlifts.

It's probably because really it's all legs and bum plus a modicum of technique.
Sep 2018
4:17pm, 14 Sep 2018
27,030 posts
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Looks like Yates wants the stage.
Sep 2018
4:18pm, 14 Sep 2018
27,031 posts
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Oops wrong thread. Good lifting Sharkie.
Sep 2018
4:31pm, 14 Sep 2018
6,685 posts
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Well done Sharkie, not that I know much about it but lifting over your own weight sounds very impressive!

CrossFit was good today as I managed a substantial PB in the strict press (which I find V hard!) I did 28.5kg. I have no idea if that is good or not in general but it’s good for me!

I have a lump in my left arm which was scanned and is just fat, but it’s getting bigger and a few times I have been getting cramp/muscular pain in that arm, it was a bit sore during the lifting! I didn’t connect it before but I wonder if the lump is causing the pain as it’s at the same location in my arm.
Sep 2018
5:30pm, 14 Sep 2018
39,173 posts
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Fabulous, Sharkie gorilla 55kg!

I also find deadlifting relatively easy now I've got the technique embedded. Ascending sets topping out at 8x48kg didn't touch the sides at my last session. I think it's partly because if I get it wrong all that will happen is that the bar will make an almighty clatter on the floor when I drop it, whereas getting a squat or bench press wrong could do serious damage.

About This Thread

Maintained by Sharkie
... a weights wire for women.

And in case you're wondering about that title, well, I like alliteration and one can be too po-faced about the use of girl/lady/woman.

Here's a strength standards for women thing Duracel found for us
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