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Ladies Who Lift...

97 watchers
Sep 2018
11:23pm, 14 Sep 2018
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Comically, I've stalled and then started going backwards on barbell curls at a massive 18.2kg. Everything else is still progressing, so I'll dump the curls for a while and replace them with chin-ups. Not today, though. I've been climbing and my shoulders and elbows keep reminding me.

Another unexpected side-effect of the lifting appears to be that my wrists feel more reliable when I'm doing presses in awkward positions while climbing.
Sep 2018
11:53am, 15 Sep 2018
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early bird
At crossfit this morning I had a girl tell me I'm strong and the weight looked too easy for me! (45kg for deadlifts for a 7 rounds for time of 7 deadlifts 9 box jumps) The prescribed Wright was 50kg but in my head I'm still not good enough to rx a workout. I was a bit shocked she said that tbh though as she's really good. However on reflection I did have to agree with her. At one point I thought I looked a bit close to the area I was doing my jumps in so half way through the deadlifts I did a bit of a shuffle over and repositioned my hands a bit to get comfy then finished the set 😯 It really didn't register what I'd done until afterwards tbh. I fell over on one of my box jumps and almost landed in vertical bar stand! Got up brushed myself off and finished with encouragement from the girl who told me I was strong.
Last workout was a 15 min EMOM of pure evil burpees and rowing combination in which I died a lot but completed at least.
Sep 2018
11:59am, 15 Sep 2018
13,836 posts
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There is nothing on our thread that delights me quite as much as your progress from apologetic hopeful to Queen of STRONG, EB. And best of all - you love it!

By the way you are still a baby compared to me. I'm TWENTY years older than you!
Sep 2018
12:01pm, 15 Sep 2018
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You're clearly capable of being very strong, eb. And possibly one of those people who has slogged away for years trying to get long distance running to stick but would be far better as a sprinter.

I'm not sure I could ever bury myself in a strength session the way you do.
Sep 2018
2:41pm, 15 Sep 2018
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early bird
Thank you Sharkie 😊 I do try but I am no where near the league of the others yet. I can however deadlift and squat okish lol. Just hadn't realised I was better at that then some of the others. It is all progress.

Strange you say that Vrap when I first went to running club at 10/11 years old I told the trainer I wanted to do long distance. He said we only do middle distance or sprint so I said OK I'll do middle distance. He made me do a 100m to 'see what I was like' and tried to get me to do sprints saying he could make me a good sprinter. I was adamant I wanted middle distance though and have stuck with it ever since.
On today's warm up (run and stretch) we had to do a gentle two lap run of the car park. CB said I set off at a rate of knots lol (I was going at an easy pace though)

I do think mentally it's easier for me to push myself when I know it is going to short but there's still a big part of me that loves the 'idea' of long distance even though I know in reality I hate it. I think it's the idea of pushing my boundaries to see how much I can force myself to do I like. However in my 'advancing years' I am starting to think I should be doing the stuff I enjoy and pushing myself hard instead of making myself miserable.
Sep 2018
3:23pm, 15 Sep 2018
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Good lifting EB. I get CNS fatigue just watching CrossFit ;-).

I presume you mean true middle distance so 800/1500?

No point doing stuff you don't like. Doing your best at any distance is challenging, and I'd argue the shorter the distance, the harder it is to improve.
Sep 2018
3:29pm, 15 Sep 2018
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I'm very glad I joined a track club when I decided I wanted to start doing races. Although the availability of the track was a key factor in the club I joined, I hadn't actually thought about racing on track at the time (I don't I realised you could).
Sep 2018
3:48pm, 15 Sep 2018
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early bird
Yes true middle distance 800-1500 track though I was allowed to xc as well. Going back a long way now though about 35 years lol. Running is something I've struggled with ever since I tried starting again ten years ago and never really found my love for it again. (despite doing two very slow marathons, multiple hm and a few 10k's)

I always avoided parkrun and 5k as much as I could because if I wanted to run fast they were too far for my 'fast' and I'd blow up. Going to a track to try to learn to do sprints at my age is a bit intimidating.

Crossfit is closer to my love although there are some workouts I've seen that involve a fair bit of running which I somehow happily seemed to have avoided atm.
Sep 2018
4:03pm, 15 Sep 2018
9,493 posts
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With my dodgy foot at the moment I’m keeping training runs down to 6 miles max. I’m really missing my longer distance runs and races so I’m looking at adding to my weight training sessions and/or increasing my weights for each exercise I do.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. Ta! :)
Sep 2018
4:30pm, 15 Sep 2018
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I'd love to try crossfit - not the right time for me to try it just now but might in the future. It looks brutal!

About This Thread

Maintained by Sharkie
... a weights wire for women.

And in case you're wondering about that title, well, I like alliteration and one can be too po-faced about the use of girl/lady/woman.

Here's a strength standards for women thing Duracel found for us
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