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Ladies Who Lift...

1 lurker | 97 watchers
Oct 2018
4:06pm, 2 Oct 2018
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I've never looked at weight lifting forums! *considers*

I'm never wiped out after weights - perhaps I don't try hard enough. Although hang about ... I don't INTEND to be wiped out. Wiped out means Just. Can't. Move. ...Hopeless!
Oct 2018
4:11pm, 2 Oct 2018
39,280 posts
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You're probably less far from their demographic than I am, Sharkie, being a strength athlete, but I suspect you won't find much there. (Teenage boys with body dysmorphia, mostly, and red-faced pot-bellied blokes sneering at runners for being skinny-fat.)
Oct 2018
4:56pm, 4 Oct 2018
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early bird
I did start to feel a bit wiped out when I got up to five days a week but I don't think my diet was supportive enough if I'm honest. I am normally just 'quite tired' after a session.

Went to gym last night for the first time in ten days (started uni and a bashed in head is not good to concentrate with when throwing around big weights) LOTS of squats in various guises, air squats, paused squats, 85%of max weight back squats 5 sets of 5 before a workout with.... Yes squats in it. My legs are a bit sore today but not as bad as I thought they'd be. My 85% back squats were more like 78- 80% at 45 kg but I was happy with that for now.

Main workout was max burpees in 2 minutes record total (38)

1 minute rest

7 front squats using15kg bar for both
7 strict press (shoulder to overhead) ((dropped to 2 x 5kg dumbells after 2 rounds and still struggled))

repeat for 6 minutes and record total (6 rounds)

1 minute rest

2 minute max burpees (42) šŸ¤®

Now my burpees aren't good at all and I really struggle with the 'jump in' bit. To compensate for that and my lack of fitness I was told to do them off a couple 25kg weights. Generally I just do the best I can but it was a different coach last night and he said that was good enough atm as he was intensity and speed and tbh they are still bloody hard doing them that way even.

Night off tonight and tomo is OH's birthday so it will be Saturday morning my next session.
Oct 2018
3:58pm, 7 Oct 2018
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early bird
Oh dear I really shouldn't leave it so long between visits. I'm aching after deadlifts yesterday only to find out its heavy squats tomorrow. Uni has been a big stressor atm so have missed quite a few sessions. Stayed after yesterday's session to practice my knee raises on the bar. Cue lots of aches in pecs, abs and lats on top of the session aches in glutes, quads and back. Lots of stretching and foam roller this afternoon I'm thinking šŸ¤”
Oct 2018
4:40pm, 7 Oct 2018
6,709 posts
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Like you Early Bird, iā€™ve missed the last week as I was away on holiday. Not looking forward to tomorrow morningā€™s session at all!
Oct 2018
8:12pm, 7 Oct 2018
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Affiliated open comp is next weekend! Bricking it a little bit now (especially reading rules/protocol - weigh in can be nude or in underwear?!). Did PT session on Friday in my singlet, t-shirt & new knee sleeves, so have at least squatted & benched in the singlet.

Only a couple of sessions to do this week - working up to heavy singles/what will be my openers on Sunday: squat & bench on Tuesday, and deadlift & bench on Thursday.

Also had a sports massage this afternoon, concentrating on my back. Was a different therapist for me, as my usual guy has now qualified as a physio, so isn't doing purely sports massages. New girl has left me wonderful bruises on the chubby bits round my hips/top of glutes!!
Oct 2018
7:47am, 8 Oct 2018
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early bird
Jambomo hope it's a good session. I can cope with up to a week off any longer and it's a killer.

OH hurt his shin on box jumps a while back then two days later hurt it in the same place again. It was quite deep but didn't really call for stitches. Shin has quite a poor blood supply so has taken ages to heal (plus he ended up on antibiotics as it got infected) As I rely on him to take me to the gym (I don't drive) he wasn't going to be doing the class and I was really stressing out with uni it ended up being a bit longer than a week.

I_W šŸ˜® for weigh in! I would've just thought slip off your shoes wowsers sounds quite serious stuff. Wishing you the very best of luck šŸ€Do you find the sports massage helps your back? I find it very difficult to stretch out the muscles of my lower back.
Oct 2018
7:35pm, 8 Oct 2018
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EB - I've had my back gone over the past few sports massages I've had, as it's been really stiff between benching and deadlifting, and it definitely helps. I always hang from a bar after deadlifts, and do scorpion stretches to loosen my back.
Oct 2018
9:26am, 9 Oct 2018
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I had to google scorpion stretching I donā€™t think Iā€™m flexible enough for that
Oct 2018
10:16pm, 12 Oct 2018
1,441 posts
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Safe to say I'm pretty nervous! I've been feeling exhausted and a bit all over the place this week (don't think meds I'm on are quite right, and not sleeping, etc). Head was so fried on Tues that I accidentally squatted 90kg instead of 80kg (it did not feel pretty!). Not helped by good-looking front-squat guy being on the rack next to me and chatting between sets (it was him that pointed out my epic miscalculation!!). Hoping the atmosphere fires me up and that I make all my lifts.

About This Thread

Maintained by Sharkie
... a weights wire for women.

And in case you're wondering about that title, well, I like alliteration and one can be too po-faced about the use of girl/lady/woman.

Here's a strength standards for women thing Duracel found for us
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