Ladies Who Lift...

1 lurker | 95 watchers
Aug 2018
12:13pm, 16 Aug 2018
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I think that counts as lifting, Jambomo, and it sounds like excellent progress gorilla
Aug 2018
12:17pm, 16 Aug 2018
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Thanks 😊
Aug 2018
6:39am, 17 Aug 2018
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early bird
Jambomo crossfit is tough going that's great progress!

Last night I had my pure bonk! We had three rounds to do and had a 3 minute rest in between each round. We had to write our name on the board and our time for each round. Workout was 21,15,9 wallballs and burpees (21 wall balls 21 burpees 15 wall balls 15 burpees... Etc) First round was tough but doable, second round I pushed myself as hard as I could. When I walked to the board I couldn't workout my time my brain felt fuzzy, I was shaking and felt fizzy. I thought ill be fine I have a rest now but I could barely walk back to the wall. Everything around was getting fuzzier. Luckily they realised I was forcibly sat on a bench and had harribo put in my hand with strict instructions to eat them. They were revolting and took a lot to get down. I was then given an energy drink of some description. Started to feel better and I got grilled about last time I ate (12.00 and this was a 7 pm class oops) I'm my defence I was crazy busy at work..... again and it's not like you can just pop out of a theatre to have something to eat in the middle of a list. I have been advised if I'm in that situation again to have a protein shake/ meal replace t drink with some oats whizzed in for some carbs. I carried on after about ten minutes on the rower gently and finished off with some bicep work. Only other time I've experienced that was during my first marathon! Feel a bit pissed off I didn't finish the workout and only got two rounds so I've bowed to return to it!! I won't be beaten
Aug 2018
10:44am, 18 Aug 2018
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early bird
And in direct comparison this morning was amazing! Pb back squat and I just know there's more in the tank for that too ran out of time. I'm learning to take the bad and good days. Found out today they're adding in a Sunday morning class soon too which will be great as I'll soon be doing shift work on placement and might struggle to make some classes so I know there will be classes every day of the week now.
Aug 2018
10:51am, 18 Aug 2018
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That's excellent, eb gorilla

More deadlift kindergarten for me last night. eL Bee! spoke wise words, my brain understood them, and my body didn't, though by the end I think my shoulders had got to grips with the fact that if they started to lift that stupid heavy thing (38kg muppet) off the ground my legs would come along and rescue them.

I foresee some curl and bench PBs soon.
Aug 2018
4:08pm, 18 Aug 2018
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Workshop at the gym this morning and my first attempts at barbell deadlifts in a long time - I much prefer Trap Bar!

Found sumo deadlifts suited me better - trying to master form so stuck to just 30kg for 3 sets but did 35kg for last set. Have DOMS from doing squats 2 days in a row....

Think I'd have the confidence to try Deadlifts in the commercial gym.... though have decided I may join the gym I train with my PT at if I ditch my BMF membership.
Aug 2018
4:35pm, 23 Aug 2018
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I've set myself some by-the-end-of-the-year lifting challenges.

All for at least one set of five reps:
Squat my bodyweight (currently 75%, can do lots of reps but still firming up technique).
Deadlify my bodyweight (currently 70%, which feels like quite enough, technique not at all fluent).
Bench press two-thirds of my bodyweight (currently about 60%; in theory this should be achievable, but I've never been able to get above what I'm currently lifting).
Overhead press 20kg (currently 15kg for 8-10 reps but I'm not sure I could do more than one with 16kg).

One set apiece of five good pull-ups and five good chin-ups (can manage a few singles with long recoveries on a good day).

As with running effort, I suspect I've got a narrow gap between "I can't do this, even once" and "I could keep doing this forever".

A month of regular lifting has made sets of 20 press-ups feel very easy :)
Aug 2018
4:44pm, 23 Aug 2018
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Deadlify :-O I do not intend to deadlify anything while it's illegal.

Got my sums wrong. Quite-enough deadlift is closer to 80% bodyweight. I can't imagine lifting something 25% heavier, but there's plenty of time and I should be enough of a beginner to have a reasonable capacity for improvement.
Aug 2018
4:53pm, 23 Aug 2018
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Good targets, V-rap!

I'm ten years plus older - and probably with different strengths and weakness body wise - but I found deadlift the easiest to get to bodyweight with. (sometime last year I think) Squats I've never quite got there but probably could...

But bench - no way! I've only ever lifted 22kgs -and that was three reps max. Once. Not quite HALF my weight.

You are obviously doing brilliantly. Helps having a home gym I guess!
Aug 2018
5:07pm, 23 Aug 2018
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Having the equipment at home and being able to go out and throw barbells ceilingwards at 9pm definitely helps, as does having a willing spotter/technique-fixer. We've also left the pull-up bar in place in a doorway we don't need to close.

About This Thread

... a weights wire for women.

And in case you're wondering about that title, well, I like alliteration and one can be too po-faced about the use of girl/lady/woman.

Here's a strength standards for women thing Duracel found for us

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