Fetchie Flab Fighters

1 lurker | 81 watchers
Jan 2022
5:11pm, 20 Jan 2022
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I find porridge keeps me fuller longer. Other cereals or toast leave me feeling hungry way before lunchtime. A couple of boiled eggs always keep me feeling full for ages - which always amazes me as they don't seem that substantial at the time. Anyway my book is here and I have a lot of reading to do to help me decide what I'm doing with myself for the next 'however long it takes!'.
Jan 2022
5:15pm, 20 Jan 2022
22,054 posts
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I hope you find the book helpful. It's easy to read.
Jan 2022
10:53pm, 21 Jan 2022
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Hmmmm...finished reading the book and while the quick weight loss from following the 800 cal plan would be fantastic, I am not currently ready to do that. It's too much of a change especially after a month of "Christmas" eating. It mentions a 2:5 - so 5 days of 800 cals and 2 'normal' days. That sounds like something I could keep up so am going to build up (down?) to that over the next few weeks. I think the 16:8 won't be a problem as I often don't eat breakfast until 11 or so anyway but may start with a 14:10 for the next couple of weeks as I get into these new habits. I found yesterday's fast day ok again but really need to look into some of these recipes to get some variety.
Jan 2022
5:27am, 22 Jan 2022
22,062 posts
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I like the flexibility of the FAST 800 plan - there are a number of options but all should result in weight loss over time. I think the important thing is to be very clear what the guidelines are and stick to those otherwise it's too easy to gradually slip back into old habits.
Jan 2022
8:31am, 24 Jan 2022
22,073 posts
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5lb off this week, which makes up for last week's 1.5lb gain. That's 19.2lb off since I started just before Christmas. I'm very happy with that and that I'm able to keep running with no ill effects - I have a bowl of porridge, so a few extra calories, on running days. It's working for me 😇
Jan 2022
8:50am, 24 Jan 2022
19,199 posts
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Well done, GM. Sounds like the FAST 800 plan is working well for you.
Jan 2022
8:57am, 24 Jan 2022
6,419 posts
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Great going GM 👍
Smaller loss for me even after exercising more this week. Disappointing but still a 2.65kg loss and 1.5inches off waist over two weeks. Had more meat meals so perhaps that contributed?

Getting a Burns Supper Dine at home meal delivered tomorrow but planning on a lower calorie breakfast and having the first course of meal for lunch and there will have to be a dram with the haggis of course! 🤣
Jan 2022
9:14am, 24 Jan 2022
22,074 posts
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A dram, of course, DQ! We've got haggis for tomorrow too, but I'll have it with scrambled egg - a habit I picked up from a B&B on the Isle of Harris back in 2009. We had it for breakfast, with a scotch pancake back then, but it was such a delicious combination that I make it for Burns night instead of the peeps and tattoos (don't you just love autocorrect 🤣 *neeps and tatties*). I'm having a very light brunch so I'll stay under 1000 cals but will be over on carbs, but I'm less bothered about that.

2.65kg loss in 2 weeks is a good loss. Very well done.
Jan 2022
9:28am, 24 Jan 2022
17,083 posts
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That is excellent GM and hopefully gives you confidence to have the occasional meal out huge well done x
Jan 2022
10:01am, 24 Jan 2022
35,100 posts
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Stayed the same :-(

About This Thread

Maintained by Lizzie W
Here we go another year, another start to the weight loss thread.

Let's give it our all this year and conquer our eating demons.

It's all about small changes, which lead to big changes.


Heres the link for the spreadsheet

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