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Contraception for ladies

31 watchers
Aug 2011
8:48pm, 4 Aug 2011
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i'm bad and loop packets of pills together to avoid having periods.
I never have suffered much but when running long or racing it was inconvenient (!) and when I started my course for teaching I continued looping because I hardly get a loo break and didn't want to feel uncomfortable.
I'm now 38 and son is 14 so can't see another one coming along

would love to be free of periods but don't fancy an op!
Aug 2011
9:38pm, 4 Aug 2011
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Steady Edina
I understand I've just had a TAH-BSO and now going through surgical menopause. It takes weeks to recover from this operation Its not something I would have chosen to do
Aug 2011
9:53pm, 4 Aug 2011
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i had a c section which wasn't my choice and that was not nice
'tis the only time I've been under the knife and I'd prefer it to stay that way!
Aug 2011
11:23pm, 4 Aug 2011
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SE - I've had menorrhagia for many years, i've tried every available non-surgical option, I'm only 46 so this could be another 10 years, I've been fortunate enough to be able to have four healthy children, I'm fed up of anaemia - this really is the best option for me
Aug 2011
4:57am, 5 Aug 2011
466 posts
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advice please - came off Depo as instructed by Doc and waiting for 3 months to lapse so can have bloods done. However, every time I have come off Depo before I also get a bleed or preiod starts (& doesn't normaly stop) within a day or so. However, its been almost 5 weeks since Depo due date lapsed and nothing. I seem to be getting some symptoms of PMT but no actual bleed. Defo not preggers (impossible unless 8mths gone & no bump.......which would be bad bad news). Is the quacks suspicions poss right......is it the menopause? Am just 35.
Aug 2011
8:46am, 5 Aug 2011
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Doctor in Waiting
icklevee I'm older than you (47). When I first came off Depo a couple of years ago there was nothing for 3 months! Then it was so all over the place I went back on Depo. Now off it again and like you PMT symptoms but no bleed 5 weeks after Depo due date. Not sure why yours is different this time, GPs would have a number of answers I'm sure.
Aug 2011
9:36am, 5 Aug 2011
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HB - you probably have tried this already but tranexamic acid helped me a lot before I had my baby as I had very very heavy periods and was badly anaemic too. Since having my baby they are much lighter but I would use it again if they became as heavy as they were. I used to get it on prescription but you can now buy it in Boots. Just a suggestion. x
Aug 2011
9:56am, 5 Aug 2011
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Took me nearly a year before I had anything after the depo. Then had really long heavy periods every two weeks for 6 months.

That coupled with issues with my weight which I can't prove, but correlate with other peoples experiences on here and on RW makes me regret ever being on it at all.
Aug 2011
10:41am, 5 Aug 2011
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Got an appt today to check out what's up with my IUD :( I've had it for about 4 months now and it's been OK (although cramping is *much* more painful, it only lasts for a day or so), but this most recent cycle has been all funny - I've had on and off cramping in my left side since my period and my abdomen's slightly swollen/bloated.

I hope this is just a temporary irritation cos otherwise it's been pretty much perfect :(
Aug 2011
11:27am, 5 Aug 2011
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Was 6 months after I came off Depo before I got a period. Give it another few months before you worry too much!

I've never had a problem with it, I get no periods so that's good enough for me...!

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Maintained by Miss Piggy Wiggy
I went to my quacks today to get a repeat perscription of my pill.

He amongst the other doctors i...
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