Mar 2020
9:02am, 15 Mar 2020
12 posts
Long run done. Sunny. Lots of smiley hellos from other runners. Green woodpecker and Canadian geese spotted. I was pooped after 8 miles though. Managed to keep going, but oof. Is this a sign that I should start taking water/snack with me, that i should have eaten first, or that I need to practice this distance more?
Mar 2020
10:37am, 15 Mar 2020
5,419 posts
Eynsham Red
Well done Snufkin. You haven’t said how far your long run was. I will always take some water with me if I’m running much more than seven miles. It’s good to keep your fluids topped up. If running more than ten miles, I’d probably take a gel with me too. It’s important to make sure that you’ve got enough fuel in you sustain a long period of exercise, so eating an hour or so beforehand is to be recommended. If I’m doing a long run I’ll often have porridge.
Mar 2020
11:32am, 15 Mar 2020
13 posts
9.95 miles! Grrrr. Couldn't find the motivation to do another loop to round it up! I had a couple of mouthfuls of museli before heading. Hmm. More next time methinks. Breakfast was delicious when I got in though!
Mar 2020
11:33am, 15 Mar 2020
14 posts
Thanks Eynsham red.
Mar 2020
3:00pm, 15 Mar 2020
3,036 posts
Snufkin, a columnist in Runners' World gave this advice: up to 1hr. of running, no need to take any fluid with you. More than an hour, you need to have either isotonic drink, or water and equivalent in gels, or both if it's long. You must make sure you take plenty of fluids on board. It's ideal to have eaten beforehand, but not too close to when you set off, or you may have food sloshing about inside you. Urgh! If it's after a breakfast of cereal, toast etc. then an hour or so is enough; after a main meal you need 2 or 3 hours before running.
Mar 2020
4:30pm, 15 Mar 2020
3,515 posts
Surrey Phil
Croydon Half-Marathon this morning which turned out to be a bit of a struggle being a bit chilly and breezy. I was hoping for around 1:53 - 1:57 and ended up finishing in 2:03. Not a good day at the office but just glad the race went ahead with a few precautions.
Mar 2020
4:54pm, 15 Mar 2020
5,425 posts
Eynsham Red
Well done Phil.
Mar 2020
6:59pm, 19 Mar 2020
548 posts
Yes great work Phil! I did the Croydon Half back in 2011 and remember it being a bit of a slog!
Went out for the first time in a week tonight, just a slowish 3 miles but felt SO good to be out!
Mar 2020
8:05pm, 19 Mar 2020
3,526 posts
Surrey Phil
Thanks guys. Strange as this running lark is, I've run the Selsdon Half-Marathon (not UKA recognised but closer to home) twice as I have the Croydon Half (my next nearest). The Selsdon one I have significantly faster times even though it is much hillier, crosses main roads and is on a Saturday.
Mar 2020
12:03am, 20 Mar 2020
9,773 posts
G’day gang. Greetings from down under where the chaos is building and who knows what the next few weeks will bring but the goings on back home are scary so I hope you’re all safe and well.
We’re having a great time yes it’s different to what we expected places are quiet, tried to book a scuba dive for today but due to down turn in bookings they’re only diving weekends. So may not manage many dives but hopefully make up for it at the Great Barrier Reef.
Been running most days at my friends now and the options are limited but still getting out - I swear a mile is longer here today’s run felt never ending but it was hot by 9am too.
Anyway thought I’d check in stay safe and keep running/walking/enjoying the outdoors where you can.