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West End 8

Listed by Ally2
  • Rated 74%
  • 8mi
  • Road
Entrants (30)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
(Mama) Pigeon A good one, really enjoyed it. I have been getting over a nasty cold and cough, but no excuses.
I felt good, started at a good pace running with my mate Beast and a lovely lady called sue (well done to both of you!) I kept up with them until about 5-6 miles then dropped back a couple of mintues. The weather was a help (not too hot like the D&H).
Next race I need to work on my pace and get up some speed.
Anstey Amblers and Runners
1:11:14 1:21:00 1:20:00 1:21:00 46.16
_j_ enjoyed this race, thought i would be a bit quicker but training for ironman austria so i think the bike is taking its toll on my legs, felt very strong on the hills which is great news!
Barrow Runners
1:11:27 1:11:27 1:11:27 52.91
Alanoia Smashing event, couldnt catch Nick as he was chasing a pretty bottom! Hope it was female - lol!!
Stamford Striders
55:30 55:30 55:30 65.77
Ally2 Unofficial time. Came 3rd so happy. 1mile 5:36, 2mile 11:07, 3mile 16:33, 4mile missed it slogging up the tough hill, 5mile 28:01, 6mile 33:28, 7mile 39:01, 8mile 44:36 so consistent 5.5min miling, except mile 4 with hill I guess. Started well up in lead group of 4, York guy broke away at 2mile and southam just infront of me and dropped williams. caught both men up infront up the big climb and led race for about 10metres, then once hit the downhill southam flew off and York guy passed me aswell. Winner took a minute out of me in 4 miles.  Cruised in final mile knowing I was safe 3rd. Team won prize for 2nd consecutive race so we are making serious waves in leics. Got some running vouchers and immediately bought some adidas s'nova racing shoes, which shop woman says takes 30secs off time (may have got 2nd then today). Will use now on so watch out!
Notts AC, Hermitage Harriers RC
44:36 44:36 45:00 44:36 77.01
Boycie Fit again and should easily PB this race. My time from last year is easily beatable :) 20th place - 4th counter for the harriers. Took the start steady (first 4 miles 24.14 then second four miles 23.32) sub 6 min miling but couldn't make the team and there was cold hard cash for this race's team prize too - boo! Blooming heck gotta work EVEN harder :-) This is the problem with running for the strongest and most consistent road running club in Leicestershire - there are now 9 guys any of whom can run sub 6s up to 10 miles, so if you aren't right on your game (or even if you are) you may well not make a top 3/4 position. Believe we have got 20 pts in the LRRL too, so should now top the table by 2 points from the OWLS - come on guys!!!
Exmouth Harriers AAC, Barnt Green Chuggers
47:46 47:46 48:40 47:46 71.92
Birstall RC
51:08 51:08 51:08
clifford Race was great...apart from the tw*t in the 4x4 who obviously took a dislike to runners. Was aiming for sub 8mm over this distance so am pleased with my time but looking back now should have maybe done a little better.
Hermitage Harriers RC
1:03:28 1:03:28 1:03:28 55.06
Hermitage Harriers RC
54:34 54:34 54:34 64.04
Ropsley Road Runners
58:43 58:43 58:43 61.18
Deanomite Will try to break the hour mark if I feel up to it but over 8 miles I might struggle for a 7' 30
Hermitage Harriers RC
58:38 1:00:06 1:02:00 1:00:06 58.87
Debbie Crich 1m: 9 mins 15
2m: 18 mins
3m: 28 mins
5m: 46 mins
6m: 57 mins
7m: 1h 7 mins
Hermitage Harriers RC
1:18:01 1:18:01 1:20:00 1:18:01 49.27
Serpentine RC
1:05:08 1:05:08 1:05:08 57.44
Holme Pierrepont RC
1:03:30 1:03:30 1:03:30 58.92
Happy as Larry
48:23 48:23 49:59 48:23 71.59
ironman not run an eight miler since i was a youngster.  training for ironman austria is getting heavy so could be a slow time.  that went well, 53 minutes, dont know where it came from but will take it. enjoyed the course, welll marshalled (butnot too many). what was the point of the water station at 7miles?? clubs have got too think a bit more (D&H for example).  great tee shirt, would run again.
Birstall RC, Leicester Triathlon Club
53:09 53:09 56:00 53:09 67.06
Leicester Triathlon Club
47:56 47:56 47:56 74.92
JovialGnome Ankle still a bit sore after twisting it over a month ago - quite pleased with the run given that I haven't run a step since the D & H half marathon! Lovely course, very well run event!
1:23:22 1:23:22 1:23:22 47.63
58:22 58:22 59:59 58:22 63.05
Stilton Striders RC
1:00:51 1:00:51 1:00:51 59.04
Racin Snail Chuffed with this one...:-) Didn't know what to expect really time wise as i had been told it was hilly as you like. Only had one little bad spell around 5.5 - 6 miles but other than that a superb race on a fab challenging course with a nice 'proper' race T-shirt:-)
Time is un official but still under Boycie's prediction for the race:-) in fact almost at the minimum;-)


Congrats to the Mighty HH too.....ANOTHER team victory in the race and the league:-)
Hermitage Harriers RC
48:54 48:54 48:54 70.61
Rich963 Very disappointing - didn't feel great in the warm up and had no energy in my legs.  Took it easy for the first half, expecting to pick people off coming down the hill.  Tried to speed up, but there was nothing there.  Think this stomach thing has taken more out of me than I thought.
Stilton Striders RC
54:45 55:55 55:55 61.42
Rubberman Went fine
Hermitage Harriers RC
55:24 55:24 55:24 63.86
Runnig Dude
Leicester Coritanian AC
43:31 43:31 44:25 43:31 83.88
SPKoF after a week camping (less sleep, daily bacon butties and my weekly units getting consumed daily) I'm pleased with my time - couldnt quite keep with team mate who I occasionaly beat but was inside 10k pb despite it being more up than down at that point.

Nice shirt, organization (inc bananas at end). Good weather, good course, good marshals. A grand day out.

Only grip is that the race route followed the only exit from the car park meaning a delayed departure after the race as I had to wait for everyone to finish before being let off the car park
Long Eaton Running Club
50:35 50:35 50:35 68.48
100 Marathon Club, Roadhoggs Leicester AC
1:00:05 1:00:05 1:00:00 1:00:05 64.39
Ivanhoe Runners
47:41 47:41 47:41 78.46
ThorntonRunner In good form at moment - hoping for pb, 52:00 may be optimistic, but will be disappointed if I don't pb. Update: got the pb - still a bit disappointed I wasn't a bit faster - just being greedy I think;).
52:08 52:08 52:00 52:08 72.97
Vi Ninety Day Challenge
Burton AC
1:18:29 1:18:29 1:18:29 44.31
Vickyy Pleased with time and average pace of 7:32s given ran a 15 mile trail race in the lake district the day before.
Enjoyed the route, well organised, friendly atmosphere and great technical tshirt as memento.
Long Eaton Running Club
1:00:36 1:00:36 1:00:36 62.60
wildebeast i like this race  a lot and im hoping for better weather than the d&h and  a  strong run we shall see felt   a bit ropey but pleased enough with the time and  a fab technical t shirt
Hinckley Running Club
53:49 53:49 53:40 53:49 66.75

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