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Shepshed 7

  • Rated 78%
  • 7mi
  • Road
Entrants (33)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Barrow Runners
59:32 59:32 59:32 55.20
Bimble B
1:13:31 1:13:31 1:13:31 49.61
Boycie Cracking time - dead pleased. 29th overall and 3rd counter for the Harriers in our victorious team effort! Was sub 6ing it at 6 miles, but the final mile, with the climbs and turns finished me off a bit... Harriers had a great performance with our top 6 men - 9th, 17th, 29th, 31st, 34th and 35th!
Exmouth Harriers AAC, Barnt Green Chuggers
41:18 42:33 43:00 42:33 70.13
50:43 50:43 52:00 50:43 65.12
Hermitage Harriers RC
55:25 55:25 1:00:00 55:25 55.49
Deanomite Great race, mad downhill start. I went off way too fast for the first couple of miles and suffered for it.
Disappointed that I was 23 seconds off a PB! Great result for the club though and lots of Harriers getting PB's.
Hermitage Harriers RC
50:28 55:57 56:19 54.23
Exeter Harriers
42:12 44:14 44:14 73.54
Emmie-Lou Gonna put some proper training into getting this one right.
** Update** I am awesome, you may bow down to me when you are ready!!
Hermitage Harriers RC
1:10:39 1:10:39 1:15:00 1:10:39 46.02
Firestarter Woah!............3 mins off last year and in the top 100...well pleased. silly first mile but held on.
Hermitage Harriers RC
45:43 47:54 47:54 67.27
Grantham Running club
42:37 42:54 42:54 72.73
Holme Pierrepont RC
54:29 56:00 56:00 58.05
hellen 3 weeks after a marathon when I have been doing marathon specific training so expect to be slower than last year
100 Marathon Club, Barrow Runners
58:29 1:01:38 1:02:00 1:01:38 53.50
Birstall RC, Leicester Triathlon Club
47:13 47:13 47:13 65.10
Leicester Triathlon Club
41:28 53:01 1:01:26 51.96
JoO Only every done a 10k before so this is really unknown territory for me really nervous about it - just hope i get round without walking!
Hermitage Harriers RC
1:17:59 1:17:59 1:20:00 1:17:59 44.22
JulesO Unknown Territory again.... Beautiful weather, and total credit to Orbital Sander dragging me around, a tough course, longer than I have ever done before!
1:14:57 1:14:57 1:15:00 1:14:57 41.31
orbital sander might just be jog round for me cos of my back/neck twinge. as long as beat jules though i don't mind ;-)
1:15:07 1:15:07 1:15:00 1:15:07 43.51
Racin Snail Didnt feel great beforehand but settled into what felt a nice pace. Checked watch at alleged 1mile point and nearly pooped myself as i saw 5.15! Slowed a bit but kept pushin,Boycie came past at about 2.5 mile and tried to follow him but darent(couldnt?)! Kept goin,gradually gainin on the 4 Harriers in front of me and won another good sprint finish. Well Pleased with 43.18. And won a box of chocs!
Hermitage Harriers RC
43:07 43:18 44:30 43:18 69.11
rollerman Current pb is a fell race, reguarly doing 8mm, so should be a good one....
Oh dear3200 credits on me.....................
Good job I did it then, not quite the 56 mins I wanted, but due to the undulating course 57 seconds over my prediction is not bad.
Got a new PB and smashed my course record from 2 years ago of 72 minutes.

Graet race, a bit tougher than you think, nice easy course well marshalled, great tee shirt, thanks Shepshed!
Long Eaton Running Club
52:40 56:57 56:00 56:57 56.12
Rubberman Let's hope it rains torrentially like 2 years ago making for hilarious slippy race finishes on the school field. Hoping for a small improvement on last year. ** UPDATE ** Good result, Went off too fast, Firestarter nearly got me but just stayed ahead to the end. Best result for the Hermitage Harriers ever i guess.
Hermitage Harriers RC
47:40 47:40 49:00 47:40 64.07
Runabit I must have been a good bet !!! Thank you for your support.  I last ran this race with family and friends.  Joining Hinckely running club I have completed a half marathon and clipped 4mins of the Shep 7and 3min of my 10K.  Thank you HRC for you training and support.
jogscotland, Hinckley Running Club
1:05:00 1:05:00 1:08:01 1:05:00 52.12
Runnig Dude
Leicester Coritanian AC
38:10 38:10 39:00 38:10 83.07
runnyeyes Didn't care enough about my finish time..so did a lazy first lap.I did work hard on 2nd. So, it turned into a 9mm tempo. Still good day..esp cos I met Jules and OSander :-) (message to self..don't want to make habit of lazy racing)
1:03:21 1:03:21 1:03:21 56.38
Team derby runner
47:05 50:34 50:00 50:34 59.00
SPKoF Pleasantly surprised - I expected to do badly today so passing 10k only just outside my 10k PB was nice. The last mile on each lap is touch, gradually uphill then steepening and twisty.

The 1st mile marker was way out thou. Good t-shirt and well organised.
Long Eaton Running Club
43:43 46:25 46:25 64.63
Stapleford runner formerly Stabbo r
54:21 55:21 59:30 55:21 63.37
Ivanhoe Runners
41:46 41:46 41:46 77.15
ThorntonRunner I hoping for 49 minutes, but have been unduly optimistic recently about my current form for the shorter distances. Will be mighty disappointed if I don't make 50 mins. UPDATE: Happy with that. Good course, well organised, good tee. Mile paces were 6:38, 6:49, 6:49, 6:56, 6:38, 6:44, 6:52 - pleased with consistency. Ran with MC from fourth mile which helped. Almost caught Firestarter, but not quite. Glad to do justice to the 1900 points bet on me:). Great to see that Harriers won the men's team prize and came second in the women's.
48:06 48:06 50:00 48:06 68.10
tiger-turnbull well the way I felt and what I actually achieved were completely different ends of a scale.  did not feel too good and ran a great race with a good time.
49:59 49:59 55:00 49:59 60.75
Hermitage Harriers RC
52:10 52:10 52:30 52:10 57.50
wildebeast like this race so we'll see how we go well after 3 halfs i have my running confidence back but now have a slight niggle in me knee really enjoyed it again and got the time i really thought
Hinckley Running Club
44:17 46:59 48:00 47:22 65.36
WineRunner52 Ran 2003 in 55.04 (points 641) See how I fare this year!  POST RACE   I had forgotten about the undulations!! Pleased with time - better than predicted - and points (645) - slightly better than 2003.  Those that bet on me - Sorry but it was never going to be a PB.  I have now amended my profile!
Road Runners Club
55:04 56:23 57:00 56:23 62.21

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