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Joy Cann Memorial/Huncote 5

Listed by Ally2
Entrants (33)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
(Mama) Pigeon Last time I did this I stormed it, it was a rainy day and the cool weather made for fast times.
Really not sure of how this one will go. Of course I would like to PB but we will see.
Ooh that was painfull, but still, PB acheived, pat on back for me!:)
Anstey Amblers and Runners
39:20 46:23 47:21 46:23 49.43
_j_ ok race, went into this off the back of ironman austria and a 2 week holiday, so was not expecting a lot, slower than last year, grrrr.
Barrow Runners
43:00 44:25 44:25 52.25
Ally2 Penultimate league race. 1 second PB. splits 5:09, 5:21, 5:23, 5:29, 5:25 so went out too quick in the downhill first mile. was with Chris for 3 miles and chased down 2 owls runners, had the nerve to overtake them but then got dropped by platts and chris. had to really dig in in last 2 miles but no stitch for once. Came 8th.
Notts AC, Hermitage Harriers RC
24:22 26:47 26:45 26:47 78.71
Boycie looking for a big PB here. Don't know what to say here - started with a good pace and two 5.45 miles. All then went to pieces as legs were shot. 6.11, 6.30 and a 6.11 last 3. Complete disgrace.
Exmouth Harriers AAC, Barnt Green Chuggers
28:20 28:55 28:30 30:22 69.42
clifford Legs still felt like they were in Spain. Better time than i thought though
Hermitage Harriers RC
38:15 38:15 38:45 55.06
Hermitage Harriers RC
33:05 33:05 33:05 64.50
Deanomite Blimey, struggled with this one. Ran ok for the first couple of miles but the muggy conditions took its toll. :(
Hermitage Harriers RC
34:23 36:53 37:00 36:55 59.10
DrDebs ....still not fit but going to try!!!.....fitter than i thought!
Exeter Harriers
28:48 29:21 31:30 29:33 77.76
52:09 52:09 55:05 42.29
Hermitage Harriers RC
31:52 31:52
Holme Pierrepont RC
37:58 37:58 40:23 56.82
Happy as Larry
28:08 28:54 29:18 72.76
Hen Harrier
Hermitage Harriers RC
59:32 59:32 59:32 40.43
ironman disappointed, was aiming for sub 30 mins but got cronic stich after 2 miles, ah well it happens
Birstall RC, Leicester Triathlon Club
32:10 32:10 32:00 34:06 64.45
Leicester Triathlon Club
27:04 29:22 30:04 72.74
Jelly Baby Shocking race - hopefully its cos of the drunken weekend!
30:04 30:04 29:59 31:27 72.87
Hermitage Harriers RC
52:33 52:33
JovialGnome Still got a rather dodgy ankle and I never really felt in the mood for this one but at least I beat 50 mins., even if only just!
47:58 47:58 49:27 49.36
Hermitage Harriers RC
42:32 45:58 45:58 50.33
34:29 34:52 34:59 34:52 65.02
New Marske Harriers AC
35:50 39:51 39:51 54.06
Mountainmat This was my first race for Hermitage Harriers and also my first race for nearly two years
Hermitage Harriers RC
31:08 34:40 35:00 34:40 60.77
mustspeedup Very pleased with time for my first 5 mile race. Quite undulating route, found it hard coming up to 4 mile mark. weather very humid.
Stilton Striders RC
41:36 41:36 43:30 41:36 55.79
29:46 29:46 29:46 70.77
Racin Snail 3 Months of training aimed at nothing else...its gonna be a good un:-)
Hermitage Harriers RC
29:29 29:29 28:40 29:55 70.96
Rich963 Unlikely to PB, but hoping to improve on previous outings here of 32.27 and 32.21 - may just sneak under 32.00.  Update - that was tough... 32.36, my slowest time on this course.  Splits were 6.30 6.39 6.33 6.34 6.18  just felt tough from the start - humid air and just felt hard work.
Stilton Striders RC
31:46 32:36 32:00 32:36 64.67
Runnig Dude
Leicester Coritanian AC
26:15 26:25 26:40 26:29 84.94
Scouse Bird
Fleckney and Kibworth Running Club
47:23 47:23 47:23 48.43
31:46 32:30
100 Marathon Club, Roadhoggs Leicester AC
34:51 36:12 37:55 37:27 63.56
Ivanhoe Runners
28:24 28:24 28:46 80.08
32:00 32:00 35:00 34:13 68.42
Vi Ninety Day Challenge
Burton AC
46:45 48:12 49:23 43.38

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