Frostbite Friendly League BRJ

Listed by Marts
  • Rated 68%
  • 5mi
  • Road
Entrants (26) Club PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Andy h Unaffiliated 35:34 35:44 37:13 57.48
Billy Cazza Eastern Veterans AC, Yaxley Runners and Joggers 37:02 37:02 37:02 65.35
brooksy Huntingdonshire AC 27:46 30:19 32:00 30:20 69.45
ButterflyLou (MrsMothy) Good race - hillier course than expected. Achieved a good min/mile pace and did a bit more afterwards with Old Man. Werrington Joggers 43:35 43:35 50:00 47:25 50.31
Cats Whiskers Sorry GOM, I did my best, but I did warn you!  Second-best time over this distance (and V35 pb - does that count for betting?), so very pleased.  Felt strong throughout, held form and managed a sprint finish too.  And best of all, this was niggle-free!  Yay!  (Official time.) Cambridge & Coleridge AC 36:06 36:42 36:42 65.94
don ron Werrington Joggers 32:39 33:24 33:30 76.06
duke88 Yaxley Runners and Joggers 33:13 35:40 37:03 56.86
EarlyRiser Ran this one fine. Time unofficial. Update. Well that's odd. Official time is 34:20. But this is wrong. Looks like all results (at least around mine) are 30 seconds too fast. Unaffiliated 34:50 34:50 35:30 34:50 67.73
emjaybee Bedford & County AC 26:34 29:44 29:44 76.82
emma-art Werrington Joggers 40:14 40:14 40:14 59.60
EO Werrington Joggers 38:39 40:13 40:13 60.42
FlyingKiwi Werrington Joggers 38:01 39:00 39:00 61.12
Gaubfar pb pb pb   went off quite quick, but thought i had blown it at 3 miles, managed to pb by 12 seconds, and 40 secs quicker than last year.... Yaxley Runners and Joggers 33:33 34:42 34:42 60.71
Jobe Werrington Joggers 37:00 37:57
Marts bag of $hite. could speed up as heavy legs. 2mins slower than last year and 19s slower than 2 yrs ago. hoping this is just from lots of miles but think is lack of speedwork and confidence to just go for it. Werrington Joggers 28:22 30:09 29:56 30:57 68.34
Morriaty Eastern Veterans AC, Riverside Runners 32:35 32:35 34:34 69.98
MrsC Thomas Cook RRC, Werrington Joggers
mudmonkey Werrington Joggers, Olympic Harriers 33:37 34:09 34:09 62.98
northern_runner Bowland Fell Runners, BRJ Run and Tri 32:20 34:16 35:07 67.19
paulhalford Fitness confirmed as lowest level for years and I'm not sure why it's gone downhill so quickly in just four weeks. Werrington Joggers 26:07 28:22 27:30 28:29 74.48
Pupas Club championship Werrington Joggers 39:34 41:19 41:19 57.90
redd Biggleswade AC, Riverside Runners 29:25 29:25 29:25 84.37
Ted *** Unofficial Time *** Ramsey Cycling Club 33:09 34:02 37:00 36:18 60.06
The Kipster March AC 31:56 31:56 31:56 70.97
thorneygeoff Thorney Running Club 33:51 35:32 36:47 66.33
Tired&Thirsty Unaffiliated 39:03 39:03

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