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Ian Williams aka Fetch

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Ashby 20

Listed by CrazyLegs
  • Rated 83%
  • 20mi
  • Road
Entrants (24)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Long Eaton Running Club
Runnig Dude
Leicester Coritanian AC
1:55:25 1:56:23 1:57:00 1:56:23 80.62
Marts entered. pleased
Werrington Joggers
2:08:07 2:08:07 2:08:00 2:08:07 70.06
Greenman Very pleased with the time given the windy conditions, I was expecting something nearer 2:15 in that wind.
Grantham Running club
2:10:02 2:11:39 2:11:39 70.68
Chockaholic First time i've raced this distance and really pleased with time. Found last 2 miles horrendous uphill and into wind but having not done much training past 16 miles thats possibly why!
Long Eaton Running Club
2:17:02 2:17:31 2:17:31 67.10
Ay up me duck
Northbrook AC
2:26:09 2:26:09 2:26:09 68.83
eL Bee! Work up race for London - so will only be running *some* of it at MP.
Not done this distance before either
***Ashby 20 - Race Report***
Raced to a plan, and it worked out really well.
Plan was for a nice 3 mile warm up - run with Velociraptor. At around 8m/m Then to tackle the next 14 at a ceiling pace of Marathon Pace/ceiling HR.  Late in the proceedings I decided to go for 78%WHR (175) as I'd run a really nice 12 miler on Friday and had two physically draining days at work as well.  No point in overcooking things at this point, I thought.
Managed to leave my running shoes in the house, so had to run in what I was wearing - an ancient pair of Asics 1100's that I use for work!  At least it was a two lap event, so I'd have the opportuninty to pull out if I needed to!
The course is an 'undulating' one (very nice actually, will deffo be back to race it again!)
The warm up miles were great - slightly faster than planned, but below 70%WHR for me even with the LONG updulate to 3ish miles.
It was cold! and there was a point before the start where I thought that I should realy have worn my Fetch Tee rather than Vest..... but once I was into the race, I was plenty warm enough!

I checked out the point that I'd planned to drop the pace back (at the 17 mile marker) which was not quite at the bottom of a hill.
On the second lap - the LONG updulate to mile 11 was a little tougher (and represented my slowest split (7:44)) in the middle part of the race. Strong headwind and Hail shower.  It was challenging!
The reaminder of the 14 mile section (to 17 miles) was pretty uneventful, keeping mr HR at or below 175, which was pretty comfortable, and knowing that the pressure was off and I was going to enjoy the scenery for the last 3 made it really fun!
There was a photographer just after 17 - so picked the pace up a bit for that (Oh the vanity of the boy) and then just simply pulled the pace back after that.  Not hugely, because I didn't want to get cold, but back by about 6-7 bpm for the next 2 miles.   And it was SO easy.  Fabulous.
At about 19 Miles, Mick 'n Phil were cheering everyone one, so I stopped to have a little chat with them, which was rather nice, before setting off, up the hill to the finish.
About 8-10 people passed me while I was stopped, and they were ALL re-passed by the finish.  Legs were really fresh, and there was Oh So much more in them.
The only minor niggle was a blister on the outside of my left midfoot, from a piece of grit that got in my shoe.
Evil Pixie was and absolute star, dropping us off at the start, providing us with a flask of coffee at the end, and feeding us handsomely afterwards  - thanks honey, really appreciated that!!!
Fantastic performances from V'rap and Flanker (who we spotted as he was coming in) too
I got a spot prize, as did Flanker
Had a great time - will be back for this one!
Hot bath time now

Cumberland AC
2:18:34 2:27:49 2:25:00 2:27:49 62.43
SPKoF took it easy but still a little quicker than my FLM pace.

Wind and hail didnt help much and was very tired for the last 2 miles.

Luckily Mick N'Phil where there to offer 'EASY!' support.
Long Eaton Running Club
2:28:00 2:37:32 2:37:32 57.01
Rubberman What a day - had been nervous about this one. Went well, was going to take it slow but enjoyed it too much. Think i might have frozen at my planned 9mm pace so put my foot down a bit.
Wonder how i will feel tomorrow...
Hermitage Harriers RC
2:30:56 2:39:23 3:00:00 2:39:23 57.03
2:40:44 2:40:44 2:40:44 58.15
Velociraptor Tune-up race before FLM, will be aiming for MP+15s/mile. 
Update - *Wibble* - all those Fetchpoints resting on this! But if I don't get a good PB here and don't have an excuse of the magnitude of 100mph winds or a broken limb, you are entitled to make me watch my racing shoes being incinerated. 
Scrappy splits, but considering there was a lot of undulation and a great deal of weather I'm happy with this and reassured that a sub-3:30 is feasible. And (whisper) I quite enjoyed it, apart from the mile that was uphill against a hailstone-laden gale. Lovely race, would do it again :o)
Cumberland AC
2:41:00 2:41:00 2:45:00 2:41:00 64.20
Northbrook AC
2:40:51 2:42:33 2:42:33 56.31
a.k.a Billy
Dunstable RRC
2:37:15 2:47:20 2:47:20 53.72
2:45:33 2:45:33 2:48:05 54.08
Kenilworth Runners
2:50:21 2:50:21 2:50:21 60.26
Boba Great race, pleased with my time, despite the weather - sideways hail, force 10 gales! really enjoyed every mile.
Cleethorpes AC
2:53:34 2:53:34 3:00:00 2:53:34 52.11
Running Caz
Cobra RC
2:47:13 2:54:00 2:54:00 56.53
Birstall RC, Leicester Triathlon Club
2:29:39 2:54:21 2:54:21 52.50
flanker day after Rhayader 20, so don't expect anything special!

Update:  2nd PB in two days.   Happy? Me?  :-D
Todmorden Harriers & AC, Fell Runners Association, LDWA
2:30:28 2:47:19 3:33:00 3:02:57 49.28
rollerman New distance for me, just got to try it?
Great start was determined not to rush off...did Pbs for 5 and 10 and was going great still had plenty left....then mile 11/12 struggle to keep it going, then had help from fellow lerc runner and pulled it back, but got the cramps in my thighs and near enough walked last 4 back?
Still not done more than 13.1m before and not really trained these last two weeks, and on the whole very plessed..
Also great course loads of support and in this weather well done to the marshalls....
Long Eaton Running Club
2:49:29 3:15:00 3:00:00 3:15:00 48.53
sammie Late late late! Managed to start this race a good 2 and a half minutes after everyone else must get there on time one day! This is by far the hardest thing i have ever done. The weather was awful and i only got back from Spain the night before. Good pre marathon event with excellent organisation and fantastic marshalls. Thanks for all of your support!
3:15:08 3:15:08 3:15:08 50.29
hellen Well organised race, enjoyed the jelly babies and choc on the way round. Pity about the weather. stuck to plan of taking 15-16 miles easy then increased pace. Finished feeling strong and as if I could have gone faster or for longer which is what I wanted to do
100 Marathon Club, Barrow Runners
2:32:38 3:20:54 3:22:00 3:20:54 49.21
Twinkle Toes Well I got around!!  Never been anywhere this distance before!  And beat my target by 30 secs so happy!!!

And considering the WIND, snow, hail and glorious sunshine...

Fantastic marshalls, superb goody bag, and the company - fantastic!!!
3:59:30 3:59:30 4:00:00 3:59:30 41.41
Lady Sol Great day and course if a little windy/haily/snowy.

Got food poisioning I think which would explain why I was feeling a lot worse than usual during the race. Ran (or rather staggered towards then end) the whole way round though.
Anstey Amblers and Runners
4:02:34 4:15:37 3:45:00 4:15:37 38.54

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