Mar 2021
10:04am, 11 Mar 2021
2,072 posts
Some equations. I'll explain them a bit when I'm out of this meeting! :D
Mar 2021
10:29am, 11 Mar 2021
13,725 posts
@Big_G - I meant that they don't relate my actual, physical bike in the garage (with it's inherent aero issues, probably a draggy powertrain etc etc) to what I'm riding in the game - they allow me to shed weight on the bike in the game, but not allow equalisation of body mass in the game, whereas because they know the w/kg they could choose to allow every avatar to have identical metrics for weight, frontal area, etc and still allow for the real world power/weight ratio to apply.
As I say, it probably makes little real difference; in game, if I am 50kg and am being computed to being riding at 3w/kg up the alpe I would get more or less the same time as if I was 90kg and riding at 3w/kg (I think?). But in game, if the 50kg rider chose a MTB and the 90kg rider chose the Tron, the Tron rider would win. That feels "right" as a game - you've earned the right to make the right virtual steed choice.
I think it's only on the flats and the descents that real world rider mass has an impact when comparing two riders with identical w/kg outputs and identical bike choices, isn't it?
Mar 2021
10:36am, 11 Mar 2021
73,555 posts
Tron sucks up hills
Mar 2021
10:54am, 11 Mar 2021
2,073 posts
Larkim: Uphill/downhill/flat aren't distinct states. It's a continuum, where different elements contribute different amounts to the overall picture.
The other major area where mass makes a difference is acceleration.
Mar 2021
11:10am, 11 Mar 2021
13,727 posts
Yes, I was over-simplifying hugely I realise that!
Mar 2021
11:12am, 11 Mar 2021
779 posts
That's interesting Gobi. Do you still use different bikes depending on what race you're doing then?
Mar 2021
11:13am, 11 Mar 2021
2,074 posts
To the equations above. We have some horizontal components dominated by drag (I've removed the rolling resistance term, because they don't add a lot, and make the equations look a bit messier). We can see our commonly referred to drag parameter CdA. We can also see air density (not relevant in Zwift, but shows why testers like low pressure and air density days).
Once you get to the power (or power-to-weight) equations, you can see some terms still maintain the mass term (M), whilst others don't. This means it's not particularly easy to make a description of the system that is purely a function of a single variable 'power-to-weight', without rewriting physics (a non-trivial exercise).
It's fairly easy to tweak things like M or CdA, but I can't easily see how you could create a mathematical model that is entirely a function of a single variable 'power-to-weight'.
Mar 2021
11:23am, 11 Mar 2021
22,125 posts
Angus Clydesdale
Some days I’m really pleased to be a simple soul...
Mar 2021
11:27am, 11 Mar 2021
73,561 posts
Oh God yes Big_G
The Tron is best for flat and rolling UNLESS you are past level 45 when the S-works Venge 858/Disc is quicker - These 2 bikes pretty much for anything that doesnt have a 20 min plus climb in it :¬)
The Tarmac Pro is the best climbing bike and is available early
Wheels are interesting
Obviously if you are going straight up VenTop or AdZ the Millies
but if you are doing a longer rolling mountain race then the SNES 3.4 or Zipp 454 come back to the front as have a good combined score
Now some of what I have written may not be 100% on the lastest ZWIFT updates but you get the drift....
Mar 2021
11:28am, 11 Mar 2021
73,562 posts
LOL Angus - indeed