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Dec 2016
10:49pm, 19 Dec 2016
17,359 posts
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Ding dong Meglet on high
I've got a turbo trainer (standard not smart) which I'm currently using once or twice a week. I've always liked the thought of zwift but so far it's been impractical as my computer (iMac) isn't in a location that's suitable for my bike/turbo, and I don't have a laptop.

Now I notice they've released a version for iOS which means both my iPhone and iPad are now compatible, hooray! However there are two issues.

1 Turbo/bike currently in a location with poor wifi, should be able to solve this with a wifi extender

2 My sensors are Garmin ANT+ which isn't compatible with iOS, I need bluetooth.

Has anyone tried zwift on iOS yet and how did you connect? Reviews seem to be good.

What is the best way to connect? Is there a simple way to use my current sensors, or would I be better just getting some new ones? The Wahoo seem to be affordable and popular. However it's quite a bit to shell out for something I haven't tried yet and don't know how much use I'll get from it. I'm guessing I'll also need a new HRM if I want to coordinate the data rather than have a separate file from the Garmin?

Dec 2016
10:57pm, 19 Dec 2016
27,701 posts
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Meglet have you seen the zwifter thread?

Dec 2016
10:58pm, 19 Dec 2016
11,659 posts
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Angus Clydesdale
You should ask this lot
Dec 2016
10:58pm, 19 Dec 2016
11,660 posts
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Angus Clydesdale
Oops, x-post :-)
Dec 2016
11:41pm, 19 Dec 2016
17,360 posts
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Ding dong Meglet on high
I searched for a zwift thread, honest I did!

Thanks I will call in

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Maintained by Meglet
I've got a turbo trainer (standard not smart) which I'm currently using once or twice a week. I'v...
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  • zwift

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