Jun 2020
2:11pm, 6 Jun 2020
9,449 posts
ITG 🇮🇸
Well at least even if you are losing, you will look good, DS. I think you should go show off your new shirt further afield.
Jun 2020
2:34pm, 6 Jun 2020
774 posts
Hi Snail: no accusations intended. Before I had a Garmin watch I used to upload my runs as files and I usually only bothered at the end of the day. Mind you, can't think why I'd ever do multiple activities back then either 😂
My point was that I look at the grid during the day, including just before I go out, so seeing other people's training as it comes in would influence *me* . So I just wanted to not give away extra info compared to others, it's not like I have anything spare to play with here!
Jun 2020
5:10pm, 6 Jun 2020
63 posts
No probs Roberton. Yes likewise re re the multiple activities. Rain has stopped play here today. May do a small walk later if it stops
Jun 2020
6:10pm, 6 Jun 2020
3,726 posts
Jun 2020
6:23pm, 6 Jun 2020
9,451 posts
ITG 🇮🇸
I was about to put my feet up but now I need to go cycling. Phew.
Jun 2020
6:29pm, 6 Jun 2020
10,632 posts
Little Nemo
Very impressed with everyone going for Gridmaster!
Oops @ StuH
I've done 100 squares so I might aim for 150 when I have my next week off in July
Jun 2020
6:41pm, 6 Jun 2020
14,532 posts
Ultra Sparkly Bridget (USB)
Garmin Exprss can't connect to the server so I can't upload and get my 100 badge!
Jun 2020
6:45pm, 6 Jun 2020
8,199 posts
That's harsh Stu.
Jun 2020
7:29pm, 6 Jun 2020
763 posts
Rain on my ride turned from Torrential, to Biblical: so, I sacked the Ride! Had 7 more Square Bashing miles planned...
Right decision:
1) was very close to home 2) minute after I got in house, we had Thunder & Lightning
Think I should change that bike ride to swimming!
Jun 2020
7:32pm, 6 Jun 2020
432 posts
TheBeardRunner (aka Abul Choudhury
I've worked out from my grid I can reach 157 of my squares. Is that a reasonable amount or should I think about moving it?