Things you want to say but can't

424 watchers
May 2020
9:12am, 28 May 2020
1,141 posts
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The Department of Health twitter feed isn't doing its best to shoot down all the evidence that track and trace isn't entirely ready to go live this morning. (and mostly failing)
May 2020
9:18am, 28 May 2020
46,767 posts
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Help me to understand. Why do you want us to create more appointments for your GPs to put patients into after doing telephone triage? We've been doing all your GPs' telephone triage for the past two months. Are they missing it and wanting it back?
May 2020
9:22am, 28 May 2020
26,835 posts
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[Vrap - it may have something to do with the recent communication from NHSE telling practices that they have to take responsibility back for their Covid patients and shouldn’t direct them to 111 any more.]
May 2020
9:28am, 28 May 2020
46,768 posts
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[The potential COVID patients get triaged and seen if necessary by our Red Zone team, apart from the ones who need home visits who are also seen by one of our practitioners. At least some of the practices are just trying it on.]
May 2020
10:39am, 28 May 2020
21,060 posts
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‘Prompt to prepare’? With a list of stuff we need to consider before reopening. What do you think we’ve been doing in the last few weeks. We’ve already considered all these things. We want dates and regulations not a list of blindingly obvious things to change.
May 2020
11:33am, 28 May 2020
31,212 posts
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The timing of this meeting was already awkward for my dog walk/run at lunchtime. Pushing it back by 15 minutes has made me somewhat grumpy. I am leaving at 12:15 wherever the discussion is at.
May 2020
5:46pm, 28 May 2020
14,086 posts
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Thank fuck I'm not in a meeting with you.
May 2020
6:12pm, 28 May 2020
19,591 posts
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I can stop crying before I go to work.
May 2020
6:30pm, 28 May 2020
9,634 posts
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XB 🌈
May 2020
6:37pm, 28 May 2020
31,219 posts
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[jeez richmac I’m not that grumpy]

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Maintained by Iris
Whether it's for legal reasons, the desire to keep your job or just plain self preservation. What w...

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