May 2020
10:26am, 29 May 2020
31,227 posts
Stop telling me how f*cking bored you are and just DO SOMETHING.
May 2020
11:09am, 29 May 2020
7,730 posts
I'm entirely clear about the new rules for meeting people, believe they will be strictly followed as everyone else is also clear and am equally convinced that the whole track and trace thing will work well.
Basically lockdown is over and other than the dubious 2M 'rule/guidance/suggestion', it's all back to near normal.
[The whole thing is basically a massive clusterf*ck isn't it? Though I'm not sure any other random selection of politicians would actually have done any better.]
May 2020
11:25am, 29 May 2020
31,229 posts
[Scotland are still in lockdown as far as I’m concerned. Minimal changes today. Oh and NZ have done a bit better than UK I think]
I’ll just sit here and wait for the shit to hit the fan.
May 2020
11:28am, 29 May 2020
50,084 posts
Dr PhFleecyD
Stop sending me fucking Daily M*^l links. I would never click on one in a million years so save your fucking screen ink. Oh, and I’m glad you can’t get your head around Zoom because just reading your emails annoys the fuck out of me. Pretty glad for no international travel being possible for a long time right now...
May 2020
11:39am, 29 May 2020
27,721 posts
macca 53
[other than the US and Brazil I’m struggling to think of many countries whose politicians have done a worse job than ours]
May 2020
11:40am, 29 May 2020
9,384 posts
ITG 🇮🇸
[Cstar, our random collection of politicians has done a much better job; at one point we had the highest per capita rate of infections in the World. Test, Trace, Quarantine. Daily press conferences led by 3 experts (not politicians) and transparency.
May 2020
12:10pm, 29 May 2020
37,190 posts
Thanks for giving us all the extra work just to justify your own existence.
May 2020
12:29pm, 29 May 2020
19,325 posts
[ Linds - isn't that almost exactly what lots of management is for? ]
May 2020
12:31pm, 29 May 2020
9,386 posts
ITG 🇮🇸
I've done some work, any work today. I was also really productive yesterday.
May 2020
12:33pm, 29 May 2020
4,931 posts
The Scribbler
I've done some work this week. [Manager finally got around to allocating me some work on Thursday at 4:30pm. I got it done in about an hour this morning]