May 2020
5:56pm, 29 May 2020
1,985 posts
No I haven't been sat outside all day enjoying the sun - I've done all the crappy weekly cleaning so you don't have to, but thanks for the thank you. I'm stuck at home constantly just now and even when you come home, you're still looking at work emails or doing uni stuff, so is it any wonder I'm a bit peeved and just downright down?
May 2020
9:05pm, 29 May 2020
5,344 posts
Wine Legs
I'm keeping a record of all the hours you've fucked off running and once I can escape, I'm going out for the total of those hours. If I come back and the place is a shambolic shit heap, I'm leaving. For good.
May 2020
11:09pm, 29 May 2020
1,625 posts
I didn't spend the day catching up with tedious admin stuff, so I'm not irritated and bored and drinking too much this evening. Tomorrow's fake parkrun will be great! Shiny new lockdown PB coming up.
May 2020
12:31am, 30 May 2020
618 posts
Remember the bit last night where I said I didn't mind how much wine you drank, as long as you promised to just tell me if you felt rubbish in the morning?
How come you've moped around for the last few hours, and now you're on the sofa making whimpering noises and you've just had a go at me for doing the vacuuming (which I did in another part of the house, with the in between doors shut having told you I was doing it first).
I don't care how much wind you drank, I don't really care that you didn't think me for vacuuming (a job that you always say you'll do but never actually manage). I do care that you are having a go at me for failing to read your mind.
May 2020
8:33am, 30 May 2020
1,990 posts
Why do you insist on lying there on your phone waiting for me to wake up? You're disturbing me more than if you just got up. As it is, I'll still have to sort out the cat, put away the dishes and make the tea when I do get up, and I'll be in a shit mood before I've even left the bed.
May 2020
11:17am, 30 May 2020
50,090 posts
Dr PhFleecyD
[I think a few women here need to flex their feminist muscles :)] Yes I know the UK government is a totally catastrophic clusterfuck. Funnily enough I live here. You don’t so why don’t you just fuck the fuck off with all the fucking tutting and sending me links about what a clusterfuck it is. I’m on the verge of blocking your email address
May 2020
11:20am, 30 May 2020
9,394 posts
ITG 🇮🇸
[Soz, was that me, fleecy?]
May 2020
11:23am, 30 May 2020
19,595 posts
[Ancestors, Fleecy?]
Not spending my day off dreading working tomorrow and Monday because that would be a complete waste of my day off.
May 2020
11:24am, 30 May 2020
50,092 posts
Dr PhFleecyD
[pretty sure you would never post a Daily M*^l link ITG!]
May 2020
11:25am, 30 May 2020
17,876 posts
I would never snigger inappropriately at the thought of flexing my feminist muscle