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The Sub 3:15 Marathon Thread

334 watchers
Aug 2020
9:00pm, 7 Aug 2020
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K5 Gus
So that doesn't say to do them on an LT day, just says to do them before your main session, which could be a "steady" run, no ?
Aug 2020
9:03pm, 7 Aug 2020
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Yeah if you can cope then fine.

Next time slow the recovery down and increase the pace a bit. 21/ 29 is too close. Understand caution on first session though.
Aug 2020
9:07pm, 7 Aug 2020
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If you read the rest of HADD he talks about the 80% runs being Tue/Fri as well though. Part of the problem is that its just a collection of posts on Letsun and not a precise plan.

To be honest I cant go much faster that 21 seconds SPR and the 29 suffers from the slowdown at the end of one rep and then maybe picking up pace a bit early as I hear the garmin start to beep.
Aug 2020
9:21pm, 7 Aug 2020
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He says not on consecutive days and then gives examples. It doesn't say on LT day.

I reckon that's about mile pace for you, so I guess I can see why you'd currently struggle to go faster and TBF, it's a decent bit of speed which is why you're doing it. Getting up to 10 would be good. Pirie would like the cutting of recovery rather than increasing the pace.
Aug 2020
9:30pm, 7 Aug 2020
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The one mile race I did was 5:44, but that was c 2014 !

Doing these on a Mon/Thu might work.
Aug 2020
10:10pm, 7 Aug 2020
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I calculated your pace as around 5:36. Maybe a sub 5:30 mile would be a nice speed goal...
Aug 2020
8:00am, 8 Aug 2020
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Morning all, a bit of an update from me. I've been training to a low HR since end of April. My max is 195 and I've been training at 142, broadly in line with Maffetone. Through May, June and July the only speed work I did was a 5k time trial and an LT test on the road.

Anyway, last week I did a solo 10k time trial and yesterday I did a solo 5k time trial. All GPS of course but I know the lapped course has been measured with a measuring wheel so it's definitely in the right ball park (it's a circuit my club use for training). 10k I managed 40:21 (20:07/20:14 splits) and the 5k I managed 19:28. I actually set off at 19:00 pace, held that for 2k but slowed in the final 3k so I suppose you could say I've found my current limit! But I'm happy enough with that at the moment as if these would be in a race they'd be PBs (presuming the course is accurate, which I think it is from GPS....it's certainly not massively, massively out).

I've hardly done any long runs the last 3 months (longest I've done is a single 16-miler) but I've averaged 60 miles a week over that time, so I'm really pleased with the consistency. This week has been a cut back week as I just felt I needed a bit of a rest. But I know I need to get some longer runs in which I hope to do over the coming weeks.

After 3 months at low HR, I also want to introduce a small amount of speed work, maybe once or twice a week (using 80/20 as a principle for the overall weekly mileage). I would like to try and get my 5k time down a bit, whilst also working on my marathon speed/endurance so any advice on that welcome. I was thinking of 5x1k reps at around 19:00 5K pace, and maybe more of a tempo run (loose definition I know, but I think I'll base it off what I believe is my LT HR from the 80/20 zone calculator), whilst still trying to maintain around 60 miles per week with the rest being easy-paced at 142bpm. I know probably I should probably introduce some MP miles in long runs, although I don't want to mess with too much at the same time (I think the consistency due to lack of injuries at the easy pace has been very good for me, and I don't want to mess that up), but any advice welcome :)
Aug 2020
1:55pm, 8 Aug 2020
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Daz Love
I agree the 5 x 1k is a good session, maybe then look to move to some 1mile repeats with 2 min recovery at goal pace.
Aug 2020
9:09am, 10 Aug 2020
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I'm currently regretting entering Yorkshire marathon with a lack of mojo for anything much. I tried week 2 of P&D last week, whilst "staycationing" at home but a combination of days out and a planned LR the day before the return to work sapped my energies. TBH I'm only really typing this to put some sense of public pressure on myself to actually commit to training through this week with an announcement about Yorkshire due on 18th August I think. I can run fine (though I've got a really odd thing in my left heel / achilles going on at the moment), just can't summon up the effort to either get out of bed in the morning or give up time spending card games / watching films with my kids!!

Added to that the fact that now the validity of any GFA for London 2021 is irrelevant so it would have to be GFA London 2022 that I would be aiming towards means I need a kick up the backside or the volume of wine / cheese consumed is going exceed any compensation for that habit that running provides ;-)

Interesting discussions over the last few days, I must admit I enjoy anything a bit faster and structured. Perhaps I need to focus on some of that with a view to obtaining mojo!
Aug 2020
9:52am, 10 Aug 2020
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Big G running PB times off 3 months aerobic mileage is impressive.

It doesn't sound like you have a target race so I'd be tempted to just start mixing it up and trying to get tu our body used to running faster so you can utilise more of the improvements you've made to the endurance.

What gets me fastest is long 7-8-9-10 mile tempo (sub Threshold) runs but these can be quite brutal and I prefer doing them I a group.

What I can do solo are progression runs and I'd be tempted to start throwing in 1 or 2 of those to your running each week. You could do long progression runs from your Maff pace down to your HM pace once a week and then maybe a shorter (possibly 6 mile) progression from just above HM pace down toward 10k or even 5k pace at the end.

If you're not doing strides I'd try to get these in somewhere as well, I like weekly 30/30 runs (30 secs at 2 mile pace, 30 secs recovery), but others do 10*100m a few times a week. I think either way if doing these is beneficial.

I always try to bear in mind the building toward a peak. Its easy to just throw a load of harder stuff into your running but I try to build the miles up easy, then make the easy miles a little faster, then add in threshold/tempo, and a good few weeks of VO2 work.

Bit rambling, but hopefully helpful.

About This Thread

Maintained by Windsor Wool
For those who want to go sub 3.15 in a marathon and/or those that have already done it and want to give advice. Share your journey or help someone else's here.

2025 targets:
Charles - Ghent - 30 Mar
Mark J - Christchurch NZ - 13 Apr
riggys - Tissington - 27 Apr

2024 achievers:
Akie: 3:15 @ Rotterdam
allmatthew: 3:09 @ Manchester
Bowman: 3:01 @ Boras
Mark J: 3:12 @ Christchurch NZ
PJH92: 3:13 @ London
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