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The Sub 3:15 Marathon Thread

334 watchers
Aug 2020
1:36pm, 7 Aug 2020
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Windsor Wool
Thanks Baz, I’ll take your word for it!!
Aug 2020
8:27pm, 7 Aug 2020
17,129 posts
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Brave man WW. Ive been known to be wrong !

Thought I would report back on the HADD 100/100 addition. Started with a milewarm up then decided I would do 6 x 100m strides. It was pretty windy and I was pleased to see 5:40 mm ish pace for these stretches.

Stop to reset watch and cross road and waited for HR to get below 100 then off for th1 10 miles at c80% Max or 151bpm. I was immediately above the target HR even with a tasty wind behind me and I had to work to keep teh HR down and was pleased when I had a break at a road crossing.

I had one frustrating but ultimately beneficial long wait at one of the new automated crossings which seemed to be programmed to give the cars 2 shots in all directions before the pedestrians got a chance. I waited patiently but a lot of people were dodging in and out of the cars.

Once into the wind I had the HR a bit more under control and in the end I managed the 10 miles OK without seeing any HR drift.

I think I will try the same routine on Tuesday and see how it goes before I maybe push to 8 and then 10 of the 100m strides.

I am pleased with the VLM announcement but find myself chopping and changing on the virtual race. Sometimes its out then others I think why not, could probably do a solo run at GFA pace, but then I wondered about could I do that without drinks. Or could I persuade the family to be a roaming drinks station !
Aug 2020
8:35pm, 7 Aug 2020
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K5 Gus
Are you meant to do those strides before your LT run ? Surely they will impact your starting HR (as you found), and as the main idea of the LT run is to run at a specific HR, then it doesn't "seem" quite right. If it's just to introduce some leg speed would they not be better at the end of a "steady" day such as in P&D ?
Aug 2020
8:44pm, 7 Aug 2020
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That was the way I read it Gus......
Aug 2020
8:45pm, 7 Aug 2020
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Yeah I do wonder about them an LT day but you marathoners probably have more capacity so can't compare to what I would do.

I presume you kept the continuous motion? It's running fast and keeping going which is the key to these type of sessions. They are stride sessions in the normal sense.
Aug 2020
8:46pm, 7 Aug 2020
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*They aren't a stride session in the normal sense.
Aug 2020
8:46pm, 7 Aug 2020
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Here is what SPR posted:

"One thing I absolutely would recommend to everyone in Phase I is the following:

Twice per week, (not on consecutive days, so Tues/Fri works well, or Mon/Thur, etc).
Warm up easy with 10-15 mins easy running (~15 mins at 70% HRmax), do some stretching then run 10 x 100-100.

100-100 is how we refer to striding 100m at a pace somewhere between 400-800m PR pace and then (without stopping to walk) going straight into 100m easy in 40-45s.

That would be 1 x 100-100.

Without walking at any time, run this 10 times in succession: ie: 10 x 100-100, alternating quick and easy reps of 100m.

Take 3-4 mins walk-drink break at the end and go into your main session of the day (usually by HR).

Make sure and include this 2 times per week every week of base training."
Aug 2020
8:48pm, 7 Aug 2020
17,132 posts
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Last 2 paragraphs...

The 100/100 were done in roughly 21 and 29 seconds so easing off then picking up....
Aug 2020
8:52pm, 7 Aug 2020
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I did try and see what the thread said anymore about it but no confirmation.

The HR thing doesn't work as everything Hadd does is by HR.

It does feel like turning an easy day moderate would be better given 10 miles at 80% is tough enough.
Aug 2020
8:58pm, 7 Aug 2020
17,133 posts
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The key was I didnt really see any HR drift on the 80% part so it felt OK....Actually it averaged 82% because I have nudged the 80% up a bit as I wasnt seeing drift.

Will stick with it for a few runs and see how it goes. Might be better to judge on a non windy and hot day.

About This Thread

Maintained by Windsor Wool
For those who want to go sub 3.15 in a marathon and/or those that have already done it and want to give advice. Share your journey or help someone else's here.

2025 targets:
Charles - Ghent - 30 Mar
Mark J - Christchurch NZ - 13 Apr
riggys - Tissington - 27 Apr

2024 achievers:
Akie: 3:15 @ Rotterdam
allmatthew: 3:09 @ Manchester
Bowman: 3:01 @ Boras
Mark J: 3:12 @ Christchurch NZ
PJH92: 3:13 @ London
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