Oct 2018
3:38pm, 1 Oct 2018
5,681 posts
Indeed. Might have to take on the standard distance next year and see if I can get better on the bike.
Oct 2018
9:00pm, 1 Oct 2018
65,023 posts
you need to ride more
Oct 2018
3:01pm, 6 Oct 2018
65,059 posts
17.11 and 83.8% wava today.
Oct 2018
3:07pm, 6 Oct 2018
1,394 posts
Good to see you getting back there, Gobi. Awful parkrun for me today, hoping for something 17:30-17:40 but just felt ill and underpowered, ending up with 18:28. Had bad interval session a couple of days ago, similarly affected. Typical symptoms of overtraining syndrome - except I haven't been overtraining. Good things to take from a bad experience: a) I didn't pull out, despite real temptation to so (although maybe I should have), and b) my third mile was faster than my second, and I did manage some kind of half-hearted sprint finish.
Oct 2018
6:42pm, 6 Oct 2018
65,062 posts
Maybe you SHOULD have pulled out, maybe just take a few days off.
Oct 2018
7:29pm, 6 Oct 2018
1,395 posts
Yes, interesting toss-up there, Gobi. If I really thought overtraining was the issue, I would have pulled out (and as I said, maybe I should have done). But every time I pull out of a race, even a parkrun, I feel it weakens my resolve to tough it out in future races a little. So much is psychological with this running business. I don't even know how much it was bad today because I thought it was going to be beforehand. But I would never push on if I was actually ill, with a respiratory tract infection, say - I've done that before and it didn't work out well.
Oct 2018
7:47pm, 6 Oct 2018
65,063 posts
Wow - I see events as individual things.
Bad days happen
Oct 2018
8:49pm, 6 Oct 2018
13,484 posts
I am with J2R, once you do it once, its more likely to recur.
I DNFd once (in a 10k) but because injury made that the only option.
I have only walked in a marathon once, And you can probably guess it was 2 weeks after the DNF. I really should have DNSd, but thought I was over. Bizarely the injury that caused the DNF was fine and it was something else that caused a rub walk for the last 7 miles.
Oct 2018
9:29pm, 6 Oct 2018
65,064 posts
Walked every drinks station in a 2.51marathon while ultra training.
Walking is almost natural in ultras.
Blew myself to bits in a 100km and was sat on a chair at 72kms. Dnf. A week later I ran a 2.4x marathon.
Maybe I'm already mentally tough.
I have a list of Dnfs over the last 18years and a list of wins. I know the win list is longer.
Oct 2018
10:08pm, 6 Oct 2018
5,740 posts
Runners definitely don't all think alike!
I can definitely subscribe to the "if I do it once I might do it again" mentality. But I've also done the "get back on the horse" thing that Gobi has done.