Sep 2020
2:28pm, 9 Sep 2020
34,495 posts
Broken sleep today . Muscles aching in side didn't help. Around 6 hours total again
Sep 2020
2:29pm, 9 Sep 2020
34,496 posts
In fact going to meet a friend. Bus driver said you didn't have much sleep
Sep 2020
2:32pm, 9 Sep 2020
6,888 posts
My sleep's been terrible for years. Last night counted as a good night: asleep about midnight, straight through till 6am. The night before I couldn't get to sleep till well past midnight, despite going to bed early, then woke around 3 and struggled to get back again.
If I get four hours in a row I can usually function. If not it all goes a bit fuzzy round the edges the following day.
Sep 2020
9:49am, 10 Sep 2020
10,173 posts
Well that wasn't so great last night, i'm sitting at my desk yawning already.
My five year old who hasn't always slept very well, came in last night, thankfully my wife got up with her, but it took me ages to go back to sleep. Did also go to bed about an hour later than normal last night too when I think about it, i'm sure that won't help.
I have used a lavender spray or oil drops, they have certainly helped me go to sleep and to sleep better, maybe I should get those out again, give them a try if you haven't before.
Sep 2020
9:53am, 10 Sep 2020
34,498 posts
Crap last night went to bed early woke a few times but on the plus side wasn't awake long . Knackered today though Don't like Thursdays
Sep 2020
4:26am, 11 Sep 2020
17,722 posts
I seem to be awake again
Sep 2020
6:10am, 11 Sep 2020
17,909 posts
Morning Rosehip. I’ve been awake since 4:30am. Not feeling like I’ll be back asleep soon so going to make a cuppa.
Sep 2020
7:03am, 11 Sep 2020
17,723 posts
I got up, did an online shop for next week until it got light enough to walk the dog. I was going to make a quick exit up north to make the most of needing to be Carlisle/Liverpool this weekend - but then I saw the weather forecast and sat down with a cuppa!
Sep 2020
7:04am, 11 Sep 2020
17,724 posts
(It's not fair - it's lovey here, but no point in making the most of insomnia and driving up to fit a walk in when there's 50mph winds forecast.)
Sep 2020
7:33am, 11 Sep 2020
40,587 posts
I'm sorry RH
I slept well last night.