To Sleep - Perchance to Dream

7 watchers
Apr 2013
12:22pm, 16 Apr 2013
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last night I had a dream where I was making badges with a friend - my friend came up with some brilliant designs and I was adamant she should sell them and would make a fortune. Then while still in my dream I became aware that it was just a dream and they weren't actually my friend's designs at all and that if I just made a mental note to remember them when I woke up I''d be able to sell the badge designs and be rich, rich I tell you!. Well I woke up and immediately remembered the dream and the train of thought, and then I realised that there was never going to be a demand for remembrance day poppies with guitars and stars on them and that actually the designs were absolute rubbish!
Apr 2013
12:34pm, 16 Apr 2013
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I dreamed about funerals :(

Quite distressing dreams last night actually.

I think the cause is fairly obvious given what I was watching and reading about before going to bed.
Apr 2013
1:16pm, 16 Apr 2013
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I'm glad I had my dream and not yours sheri - I had to turn the news off last night, I couldn't bear it. When they kept showing the footage of the runner crumpling to the floor I needed them to run it just a second or two longer so that I could see that someone had gone to help him
May 2013
1:50pm, 13 May 2013
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Last night I dreamed I was interviewing Morrissey.

He was a bit grumpy, but not excessively so.
Sep 2013
1:37pm, 28 Sep 2013
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Crazy dream I've had I was watching this track race distance race not to sure had to be at least 1500m but possibly more There was I think a Spaniard who was in the lead a bit behind was a guy called Euan Ifan Then suddenly he was just behind the Spaniard. Just before the bell he storms into the lead by a huge margin. The bell sounds then he runs into lane 7 i'm shouting at the screen what are you doing he proceeds to pick one of them mini cones you see on the track continues with his race. The Spaniard starts to close the gap we get to the line and its close. Photo finish. Euan looks down. I'm thinking if you've lost it its your fault.

But I wake up before result comes in. Damn
Jun 2022
11:19pm, 2 Jun 2022
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I dreamt about this precise thread.
Jun 2022
11:23pm, 2 Jun 2022
39,630 posts
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