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The revenue generated from the adverts on the site is a critical part of our funding - and it's because of these ads that I can offer the site for free. But using the site for free AND blocking the ads doesn't feel like a great thing to do, which is why this box is so large and inconvenient. Some sites will completely block your access, but I'm not doing that - I'm appealing to your good nature instead. Did you know that you can allow ads for specific sites, whilst still blocking them on others?

Ian Williams aka Fetch
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Senior Moments - log them here

164 watchers
Sep 2020
6:31pm, 30 Sep 2020
5,907 posts
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Thats horrid jabberknit :-(
Sep 2020
6:59pm, 30 Sep 2020
3,631 posts
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[Indeed, a bit of a bugger, but entirely in keeping this this whole bloody swine of a year. We were up in Yorkshire clearing out Mum's house so we can sell it to fund her care home, which is why we weren't at home. Dismantling Mum's life and my childhood and then the car disappears. Fortunately, nothing of value in the car apart from Mum's resident's permit to use Bradford waste tips - can't use them without one - which has been vital to getting rid of unwanted stuff!]
Sep 2020
7:37pm, 30 Sep 2020
14,152 posts
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That is a pain jk. :(
Oct 2020
9:14am, 1 Oct 2020
13,852 posts
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[shitty addition to a shitty year jabberknit]
Oct 2020
10:11am, 4 Oct 2020
10,623 posts
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ITG šŸ‡®šŸ‡ø
So last night, I was getting the stuff from the drier then noticed the cat box needed some attention. I removed the cat litter clumps (use your imagination) and promptly put them in the basket on top of the clean washing. Then I came on here to post about my senior moment.

Then I realised it was a dream.

I also dreamed that I proposed a badge for Lord Fetch for having the keys to the fetch world and controlling the site for a day. Of course, Ian would get it but then I though there could be guest-editors, like for academic journals, who would also earn the badge.

I don't know if this is a senior moment or should be on "fetch addiction" but fetch, you have not only taken over my life, you have taken over my subconscious.

On the bright side, I didn't have to redo my washing.
Oct 2020
5:29pm, 4 Oct 2020
4,086 posts
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RRR-CAZ šŸ‡¬šŸ‡§
Oct 2020
7:51am, 16 Oct 2020
8,874 posts
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I just had a text saying my garden building was being delivered today. After 5 minutes of blind panic wondering if I'd been hacked or how the hell I'd managed to accidentally order a summer house from a company I'd never heard of I remembered ordering an outdoor wood store from a local ish company that mostly sells sheds and the like.
Oct 2020
9:18am, 16 Oct 2020
53,895 posts
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I was driving to work when I had a nagging feeling I'd forgotten my keys. As I was planning to go for a run before going in, I needed my locker key to get to my towel etc.

I put my hand in my pocket and discovered I'd picked up Mrs D's card-type car key instead. I rang her to let her know what I'd done, thinking she could use the spare key as she was due to take the children to school. That's when she reminded me that as the other key was reporting a low battery level, I'd put it to one side so we didn't use it until the battery had been replaced. I couldn't for the life of me remember where that safe place was.

So, I had to turn around and go back home. There I had a shower and got into my work clothes before taking the children to school myself. I'll have to run this evening instead.
Oct 2020
3:01pm, 18 Oct 2020
53,955 posts
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I have a headache so I thought Iā€™d take some paracetamol. About 5 minutes later I realised Iā€™d take a blood pressure tablet instead. I already had my bp tablet this morning.
Oct 2020
4:54pm, 18 Oct 2020
6,525 posts
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Eynsham Red
[Best not try and stand up too quickly Dio!]

About This Thread

Maintained by ChrisHB
This morning I went to charge my kindle and instead found myself trying to charge my coffee mug. It was my third coffee of the day as well, clearly not strong enough!


I was just drying my hair after a shower, I switched the hairdryer on and suddenly the bedroom was plunged into darkness, the hairdryer wasn't working either. Great, the electrics have just tripped out.

I find a torch, go to the fuse box but nothing has tripped - turns out I pressed the light switch instead of the hairdryer 'on' button.
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