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RW Mature Runners

12 watchers
6 Mar
4:56pm, 6 Mar 2025
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Aquarius, thanks, the Wilverley parkrun went really well.

Tuesdays club 5k run sounded good, being on a different course, followed by a night in the Premier Inn, and Steve running along the prom before breakfast. A nice bracing walk along the prom after breakfast was a good way to finish off.

I hope todays strength session in the gym goes well, so that you are able to go for a run afterwards.

0061, thanks, the parkrun went well, and we are doing it again on Saturday. In about 3 weeks time, the event will return to the college playing fields, as the permit for Wilverley expires, as the spring and summer months attract tourists, dog walkers etc. and the carpark only has spaces for just over 100 cars.

Well done for your excellent pacing getting your pal a course PB, and first lady.

WtnMel, well done for cooking the Sunday Lunch! I'm sorry that Margaret was disappointed with the cake that she baked, but good that you were ok with it.

Well done for Tuesdays morning walk, and Wednesdays gardening. It's good to hear that your feet don't seem to be complaining now.

On Monday, I ran 7.55 miles on roads with the Monday group, and we met up again later for a pub lunch in the Village.

I had a haircut on Tuesday and was surprised when the barber told me that he used to be an ice skater, and won several competitions.

I ran 6.57 miles yesterday including 5 laps of the 1k track in the forest, with the Sara's and Mike. In the afternoon, I met up with Karen for coffee and cake in Costas, and then we went for a walk round the Marina.

This morning, I ran a hilly, solo 10k on roads.
6 Mar
4:59pm, 6 Mar 2025
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Aquarius - most of said cake has gone into the freezer, but Margaret did leave one small slice out for further testing ;) I'm guessing the walk was from Whitley Bay? I remember that was a nice walk (especially the coffee and cake at the turnaround point). Hope the strength session went well ..

I decided it was time so (drum roll ...) have cut the front lawn and filled up the garden waste bin, which gets emptied in the morning. I'll try and tackle the (larger) back lawn tomorrow. Needless to say, this 'first cut' is on a high setting and is basically a bit of a trim to remove the shaggy growth since the Autumn.
6 Mar
11:11pm, 6 Mar 2025
897 posts
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Those are great miles hillstrider, it must be the go faster haircut!
Wtnmel you are ahead of the curve, I haven't ventured into my garden for 3 months.
Glorious weather in Keswick today.
10:08am, 7 Mar 2025
17,402 posts
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Thanks 00, I'm sure that it must be the go faster haircut.

Good to hear that you have glorious weather in Keswick today.

The usual Friday Farmers Walk this morning in the rain 🌧 Its stopped now.
12:34pm, 7 Mar 2025
127 posts
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HS Do you prefer the parkrun course at the college playing fields or Wilverley? Sounds like you've had a busy week with your running and social life. :-)
Does your barber still ice skate recreationally or has he given it up altogether? Well done for getting your Farmer's Walk done this morning despite the rain. We have rain here today too, such a change from yesterday which was surprisingly warm for a while.

0061 Enjoy Keswick (jealous)

WtnMel Steve spent yesterday in the garden too. We had a lot of moss on the garden walls that needed to be scraped off, also plants to be moved, weeding etc (I avoided all this as I went for a slow 5 mile run). He was also going to put some weed and feed stuff on the lawns but today's rain has put that on hold.

Yesterday's gym session went well. The instructor had upped the ante from last time introducing some new machines and heavier weights, but still manageable. She said she'll gradually increase the weights until we find the ideal ones for me - sufficiently challenging but able to complete the reps without loss of form. I enjoyed the session and the hour flew over. After lunch I went for a run as mentioned above. Although I had no soreness or stiffness in my legs I soon noticed I hadn't a lot of energy either, so it was rather a slow run, but still enjoyable. I half expected I'd have some soreness today from the gym work, but luckily so far so good.

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Maintained by WtnMel
With the demise of the RW forums, several of us who used to chat on the 'Mature Runners' thread have been made homeless (I posted on it even though I am no longer a runner!). I have created this thread so we can continue chatting and I hope the others will find their way here ..
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