Jun 2020
8:49am, 30 Jun 2020
2,809 posts
He could just give the same badge each morning. We'd never know. And we'd be really pleased each time we checked Fetch.
This thread may become a bit samy though. "I've won the badge" ... "So have I" ... "So have I" etc
Jun 2020
9:39am, 30 Jun 2020
17,949 posts
There has been one for ages, just have a look.
Jun 2020
10:05am, 30 Jun 2020
47,394 posts
WHO'S HIDDEN MY BADGE? You know, THAT one, the one with the THING on it.
Jun 2020
10:38am, 30 Jun 2020
13,176 posts
Hee hee!
Jun 2020
11:04am, 30 Jun 2020
20,079 posts
(Help! V'rap's f-i-l has come back! )
Jun 2020
1:07pm, 30 Jun 2020
47,398 posts
[If it was my FiL I would know exactly which of his magazines he'd misplaced.]
Jun 2020
1:39pm, 30 Jun 2020
9,676 posts
ITG 🇮🇸
So, um, it's our 19th wedding anniversary today, just putting that out there for context.
I woke up during the night and wasn't sure who was lying beside me. I looked at this man and didn't recognise him. I thought it must be OH but he was wearing a blackout eyemask so I couldn't really tell. (I have real problems with face recognition at the best of times.) It was also fairly dark (blackout curtains; 24 daylight just now here). It didn't really look like him and I didn't recognise the tshirt. I thought it might be one of the dads from this weekend's football trip.
I looked around and realised this was definitely my room so it must be OH beside me but I kept peering in the dark to be sure. I was trying to make out his beardy bit (man from football trip did not have a beard) but I couldn't see it. I was terrified to touch him in case he thought I was making a pass. And I also really needed a far but had to hold it in just in case.
Not sure how much this is senior moment and how much appalling facial recognition. This is not the first time I have failed to recognise by OH. Last time, I was sitting behind him in a lecture theatre and wondering who this slightly bald chap was for about 20 minutes before I recognised the jacket.
Jun 2020
2:00pm, 30 Jun 2020
5,702 posts
That's a bit of a worry ITG - are you in the habit of bringing strangers back into the marital bed?!!
Jun 2020
2:01pm, 30 Jun 2020
46,015 posts
I just tried to operate my computer with a bread roll rather than the mouse.
Jun 2020
2:03pm, 30 Jun 2020
5,703 posts
Crumbs McG!