May 2020
10:04am, 10 May 2020
4,577 posts
I must admit to have had a couple of emergency weekday naps in the last few weeks. Working from home has some benefits.
May 2020
11:30am, 10 May 2020
1,370 posts
[I hope you made yourself (cough) 'comfortable' for those naps Quimby ]
May 2020
3:27pm, 12 May 2020
1,374 posts
Started making coffee this morning and as I began spooning the ground coffee into one of the cups, decided it would probably work better if I used the cafetiere that was standing alongside said cups. In my defence, I got up at 5:30am today for a run so my faculties were not operating at 100% efficiency ..
May 2020
7:14am, 15 May 2020
5,548 posts
Turned the power off last night whilst changing a light fitting as I was struggling to pull the fuse (awkward position and I am not tall enough). Needed to check on some older wiring colours and wondered why I had no internet on my iPad. Then it dawned on me!
May 2020
11:32am, 15 May 2020
19,255 posts
I forgot to cut my slice of bread and honey into two; I distinctly remember going back and slicing it, yet when I sat down, it was still intact.
May 2020
10:16am, 18 May 2020
19,534 posts
It was my friend's 60th birthday yesterday, so I wrote her a card and put it through her letterbox.
Much later, I realised I had drawn little coloured pictures in it but not actually written 'love from...' so she'll have no idea who sent it.
May 2020
12:26pm, 18 May 2020
3,672 posts
That made me chuckle Carp. But like valentines I wonder how many people the person thinks it could be !
May 2020
10:54am, 23 May 2020
5,865 posts
Eynsham Red
Mis-hearing my wife. Apparently the film A Fish Full Of Dollars is on TV tonight
May 2020
4:54pm, 23 May 2020
1,387 posts
[closely followed by "A Fist Called Wanda" I hear ..]
May 2020
8:34am, 24 May 2020
12,791 posts