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Ian Williams aka Fetch
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RW Mature Runners

3 lurkers | 12 watchers
Jun 2024
5:59pm, 30 Jun 2024
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Margaret is busy doing u3a committee stuff and I don't want to distract her or disturb her, so popping in via my phone. Less than ideal, but it will have to do.

Just to say I played better than expected at golf on Friday. After a long break, I expected the worst but i was driving well and generally playing better than I was expecting. I was 6 shots worse than Alan (110 to his 104) and because my handicap is 6 shots more than Alan's, we scored the same number of points, so it was an honourable draw. I might have won if Mr Jammy hadnt got the ball in the hole chipping from the edge of the green on two occasions.We should be playing again on Friday.

Nothing much else to report and no walking for the last few days. A trip to Leamington Spa yesterday to see our granddaughters dancing in a show.
Jul 2024
7:41am, 1 Jul 2024
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Nice golfing Wtnmel you haven't lost much at all 👍
Jul 2024
9:59am, 1 Jul 2024
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WtnMel, well done for drawing with Alan on points with the handicap. I believe that has happened before?

I hope that you enjoyed watching your granddaughters dancing in a show!

I didn't run this morning, as I'm doing the club's 1 mile challenge on the grass track tomorrow evening, and wanted to be as ready as possible. I did a brisk walk instead, 0.75 mile, average pace 16.11 min/mi
Jul 2024
11:36am, 1 Jul 2024
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Sorry I've not been able to get online for a few days ..

Aquarius - Croome last Thu was very enjoyable .. pleasantly warm rather than hot. Well done for getting out for an early (6am) jog but sorry to hear your knees complained after around 5mls. I trust that Sky installation went okay and the grandkids didn't 'interfere' too much :) Glad to hear the parkrun time a few days later was a bit faster than the time before and your knees behaved themselves.

Hillstrider - sounds like you had an enjoyable and worthwhile trip to the IOW to meet up with your sister and cousins, and the logistics all worked as planned. I've never done more than some very preliminary dabbling where my family tree is concerned. Shame you were a bit disappointed with your parkrun time. I'm afraid I can't help re posting more than one photo on Fetch .. if there's no help available online, I'm sure a quick query would get you the answer. Good luck with the 1ml challenge tomorrow. You're correct about the golf - drawing in a game with Alan always feels like a victory for me as I don't play so often as he does. Beating him fair and square is always even better!!

OO61 - sounds like an enjoyable trip to run at Muncaster Castle. As you remarked on my mention of how the golf went, I was pleasantly surprised to play as well as I did.

The 'problems' with these dance shows our granddaughters do are (1) you have to sit through lots of dances they're not taking part in (2) when they are taking part, it's difficult to pick them out because all the girls are dressed exactly the same and have the same hairstyle. Luckily, their Mum and Dad were there to point them out!

I've been battling Margaret's computer - been trying to get her email software (Outlook) to do what we want it to. It's 'almost' correct - just one minor niggle I can't solve at the moment. I thought there was another problem this morning - turns out Margaret was panicking unnecessarily. Phew ..

Been out for a pre-breakfast fast walk this morning - just 3mls today and it was very quiet. Must be half-term and everyone is enjoying a much-needed lie-in! I've also done my stretching - first time for a few days.
Jul 2024
3:45pm, 1 Jul 2024
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WtnMel, yes, the IoW trip was very enjoyable and also educational re the ancestry information.

Thanks, I'm looking forward to tomorrows mile challenge, but I don't expect that my time will be anything special.

Good that you have nearly finished sorting out Margaret's computer.

Well done for this mornings 3 mile walk before breakfast. The schools round here haven't broken up yet.

As I wasn't running today, I did a brisk 0.75 mile walk to the supermarket and back, to buy a couple of papers.
Jul 2024
10:41am, 2 Jul 2024
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The usual Tuesday Farmers Walk this morning, and this evening is the club's 1 mile challenge on the grass running track.
Jul 2024
11:20am, 2 Jul 2024
7 posts
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WtnMel We sometimes attend school events that our grandchildren are taking part in and, like you, have found there is usually a lot to sit through that they aren't involved in themselves. The joys of being grandparents! (take note 0061) Good to hear your golf game hasn't deteriorated with the long lay off, that must have been a fairly satisfying result. What issues has Margaret been having with Outlook? I use Hotmail but haven't been able to receive emails on my MacBook for some months (although I can send them) instead I have to log into Outlook to view them through there. I'm finding it quite annoying as it blocks links in my emails, which never happened when I used Hotmail on my Mac (strangely I have no problems with Hotmail on my iPhone, sending receiving or with links).

HS I'm afraid I can't help with the photo problem either, in fact I'm still getting to grips with Fetch as it is (and still can't access it on my phone, for some reason it keeps telling me my email address or password is incorrect but I use the same ones on my laptop and they work fine there) the joys of IT. Good luck with tonight's mile challenge.
We are quite busy this week with various things so haven't managed a run since Saturday, apart from a treadmill session yesterday (6 x 400m @12kph, usual w/u and c/d). I'm hoping to get out tomorrow for a long run.
Jul 2024
2:37pm, 2 Jul 2024
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Aquarius, thanks, very strange that you can't access fetcheveryone with your phone, yet have no problems with your laptop. The only thing that I can think of is that in the dim and distant past, you might have accessed fetcheveryone with a different password on your phone.

Well done for yesterday's treadmill session and good luck with tomorrow's long run. I hope that your knees "hold up!"

I've tried copying and pasting from the notes app, which I remember you saying that's what you do, but it didn't work. That's where RW was more user friendly with the "save draft" button which I often used, especially during a long post.
Jul 2024
3:52pm, 2 Jul 2024
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Aquarius - it isn't Outlook as such that is the problem. Margaret has a separate email account for her u3a Secretary stuff. But the account was recently moved to Google Workspace. With Margaret not wanting to have to log on to Google as well, the u3a IT bod arranged for her Secretary emails to be forwarded to her Hotmail account. Except, it doesn't appear to be 100% reliable! Strange you can't access Fetch from your phone, despite using the same userid/password? Well done for doing a treadmill session and hope you manage a long run tomorrow.

Hillstrider - it may have been me mentioned writing my posts somewhere else - either Notepad when on my laptop or OneNote when on my phone. Either way, I find copy & paste works fine.

No early walk this morning as I had to take Margaret to the hospital for a check-up on her eye. Should be back out for an early walk tomorrow. Can't remember if I mentioned it, but I have contacted a local Nordic Walking instructor with a view to arranging a taster/introductory lesson (and probably several more if it goes well).

My shoulders are aching a bit today. I hadn't seen our neighbour for a few days - popped round and he's been suffering with a virus and gets tired out doing anything. I was cutting our front lawn and offered to do his as well. It's twice the size of ours and the grass was quite long - I was worn out by the time I'd finished.

In other news - my son told me that if you go onto Steam (a platform for games) and add ones you like to your 'wishlist', invariably, a week or so later, you get it offered at a cheaper price. And that's what happened. I purchased a puzzle game for £7.50 (was around £25) and a golf game for £12.50 (originally £45). Now to see if they will run on my 'old' laptop (but you can get your money refunded if you haven't played for more than 2 hours and its within 45 days of purchase).
Jul 2024
5:15pm, 2 Jul 2024
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Just popped in to advise that one of the posters on the 1,000 miles in 12 months thread has put in a request for a save button. Click the ? at the top of the page and you will see it. I've clicked yes, in support, which made 2 ticks. The more yeses will help fetch to prioritise it.

About This Thread

Maintained by WtnMel
With the demise of the RW forums, several of us who used to chat on the 'Mature Runners' thread have been made homeless (I posted on it even though I am no longer a runner!). I have created this thread so we can continue chatting and I hope the others will find their way here ..
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