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11 lurkers | 219 watchers
Dec 2021
2:44pm, 2 Dec 2021
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Fetch - I think you probaly get the individual stuff fairly quickly, and for the most part it's a one off or (I hope) unthinking rapid response.

What I find off-putting is the casual, dare I say institutional, abuse of anything conservative, in a way that wouldn't be allowed for any other grouping of people.
Dec 2021
3:11pm, 2 Dec 2021
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macca 53
What I find most depressing is the view that everyone in here is from “the extreme left” whatever that means.

I self-identify as socialist and democratic. The closest views to my own came in the Labour manifesto of 2017. I can’t think of any policies in there that would have been out of place in most other countries in Europe (and are pretty hard wired into the governments of Scandinavia). If that makes me a member of the extreme left then so be it.
Dec 2021
3:12pm, 2 Dec 2021
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um - if it's personal, it should be called out.
Dec 2021
3:41pm, 2 Dec 2021
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I think it should be recognised that *anyone* having their preconceived biases (which every single one of us has) and values is challenging and can be uncomfortable.

That goes whether you're on the left, right, are liberal, authoritarian or monster raving loony.

Ad Homienen attacks though are not on.
Dec 2021
3:50pm, 2 Dec 2021
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Fields & fountain, moor & mountain
As a newish poster on this thread I don’t find the atmosphere unwelcoming, more passionate. Perhaps passion runs over a bit at times but far better to care than to not be bothered.

As for institutional abuse of anything conservative, is that an identifiable group of people? Myself I identify them as the group of people within government who hand out public money to their mates, cut universal credit, show no concern for abiding by covid rules and sell off the NHS behind our backs and believe they deserve every bit of abuse they get.
Dec 2021
3:56pm, 2 Dec 2021
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"Extreme left" is typically used as a way of casually dismissing anyone who thinks that inequality in society is a problem that needs addressing.

I'd rather see points of view debated and considered, than labelled and dismissed, but maybe that's an extreme left viewpoint too.
Dec 2021
4:00pm, 2 Dec 2021
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Fields & fountain, moor & mountain
Anyone who thinks half the posters on this thread are on the extreme left is probably quite far to the right.
Dec 2021
4:01pm, 2 Dec 2021
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And may I remind people once this place was the opposite way inclined - that it was full of right leaning posters and anyone left of centre got a lot of crap. Like me. There was advancing of opinions like (and I paraphrase) "I like the Islamic countries policy of chopping of thieves hands, because that will will stop stealing" " (QMac - long gone) , as well as and when I suggested on things like racism we looked at our countries own history, I must have been "cucked" (TonySomething?)

It is a relatively recent phenomenon, the leftwards/liberal slant. Probably because the average fetchie is more likely to be leftwards/liberal than Lawrence Fox supporting. Binks started this forum and he was an out and out libertarian. He was always reasonable and polite.

And possibly because some of the "regular" posters - have flounced and left fetchland for good (so QMac, TMW, Stander) - most of the time due to things said on other forums and not here.
Dec 2021
4:07pm, 2 Dec 2021
2,447 posts
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Looking back over this thread, I think the only thing that could be construed as 'hard-left' in terms of recent posts, was Field's argument for getting young people to work 'for the good of society.' I can't speak for Fields but I don't think he would take offence at me associating him with the hard left.

That this was roundly dismissed would suggest this is not the preserve of the hard-left.

We don't have enough conservative views on this site. They would be challenged, I'm sure. But that's what debate should be about. Challenge the argument, not the person.
Dec 2021
4:08pm, 2 Dec 2021
18,756 posts
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An interesting one is that it's perceived that it's always the extreme left or extreme right who are going off on one here, there have been several liberals I can name indulging in foul mouthed tirades on here as well. (And I'm not thinking of DeeGee) so being moderate/centrist in politics doesn't always make you polite.

I think what makes it uncomfortable is that people will challenge how others think more readily than nearly every other forum/thread, and that can be uncomfortable for people. And people of similar views tend to hang round in numbers.

I do concur with fields, anyone who thinks it's to the far left is probably on the right. And yes where we are politically, with fishermen blockading the RNLI ramps, or people laughing at refugees drowning and the doubling down on it in teh comments - see here:


Yes perhaps we aren't representative, and can be tetchy. But as the son of a refugee myself, I will fight robustly the anti-refugee opinon, and defend immigration to the hilt. And I lament our spineless politicians who are incapable of doing the same.

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Maintained by Chrisull
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