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4 lurkers | 219 watchers
Dec 2021
10:55am, 2 Dec 2021
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I sense your frustration, but all reports do say 'staff' and point out that ABdPJ wasn't there ... but I don't suppose that helps much?

(although I opted out of my trip to Maidstone & Thanet last year. Planned for Monday or Wednesday next week for this year, before omicron changes things?)
Dec 2021
11:00am, 2 Dec 2021
21,565 posts
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I'm currently planning to be in London next weekend, and Maidstone after Christmas. I'm inclined to go for an eye test this year if Christmas gets cancelled again.
Dec 2021
12:46pm, 2 Dec 2021
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Dave W
Reported that at one of the "do's" he tipped up and made a speech. So he knew about it, knew it was against the rules, but did nothing to stop it.

The man has no awareness of how things look from the outside. He is so self-absorbed it's amazing. He looks at everything through a prism of "How does it effect me".

IMHO, he is a right royal bag of shite. But hey, as long as he Got Brexit Done. How's that working out for you?
Dec 2021
1:01pm, 2 Dec 2021
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paul the builder
I wish someone would come and put a counter-point. I don't have one, but there must be people who do!!

Reminds me that - there was a blog that mentioned this thread, and a bit of a discussion in the comments that followed. At least some people find this thread 'un-balanced'.


But how do we go about getting balance, if folk who would contribute/discuss alternative views actually don't because it's not balanced? Chicken and Egg.

If my comments speak to you, dear lurker, please feel you can contribute? I'd like to think we can all try to be respectful, and self-police (and each-other-police too).
Dec 2021
1:06pm, 2 Dec 2021
21,567 posts
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Hard left? Dangerous place with moderate leanings?

Oh, I'd best be off, then...
Dec 2021
1:06pm, 2 Dec 2021
21,568 posts
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Hard left? Dangerous place
for those
with moderate leanings? Oh, I'd best be off, then...
Dec 2021
1:08pm, 2 Dec 2021
40,407 posts
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Merry Christmas and Happy NewG(rrr)
I can't help paul because I'm one of the Extreme Left that NE referenced in his blog. Sorry. :-) G
Dec 2021
1:11pm, 2 Dec 2021
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And there's the problem. What I consider to be entirely rational and moderate policies, society now sees as being dangerously and subversively communist, and views sitting very slightly to the right of Thatcher are now seen as being moderate.

I'm not a dangerous socialist (if socialism is, in fact, dangerous.)

I look north, rather than east, for my brand of social democracy.
Dec 2021
1:15pm, 2 Dec 2021
15,854 posts
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This is purely a personal opinion and I certainly don't want to project it onto others.

However, discussing things on here and elsewhere is often useful and allows me to strengthen my arguments and take into account things I had not considered.

The things I tend to comment on are areas where I have strong enough information to hold a clear, defensible, position and be prepared to have the argument to defend it

And despite some commentators alleging the opposite, some discussions *have* changed my mind on some things. But only if you can back up your argument with sources and data!

For me, it's the areas I don't have a clear grasp of the situation and/or lack data to support a view that I feel cannot comment - i.e. my arguments on those are often weak and so I cannot argue the point.

So if you have a clear view, can defend that position, and have evidence to support it, please do post. You might change my mind! Some have... Some haven't!

Reasoned argument is usually good. As long as we separate emotions from the argument (easier said than done).

As I say, a personal opinion.
Dec 2021
1:17pm, 2 Dec 2021
7,344 posts
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paul the builder
I can't help paul because I'm one of the Extreme Left that NE referenced in his blog. Sorry. G

Are you? He didn't name anyone, and nor did any commenters. Perhaps you want to be.
I don't think this is best regarded as a badge of honour - I reflected on it with sadness that the thread wasn't welcoming.
None of the regulars here might consider it to be an echo chamber. But that doesn't mean it isn't.

About This Thread

Maintained by Chrisull
Name-calling will be called out, and Ad hominem will be frowned upon. :-) And whatabout-ery sits somewhere above responding to tone and below contradiction.

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