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Ian Williams aka Fetch
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13 lurkers | 219 watchers
Dec 2021
1:25pm, 2 Dec 2021
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Dave W
Always happy to hear counter arguments, or see a list of positives from any of the decisions that this Govt have made.

As a confirmed socialist, I can't see many of them.
However, credit where credit is due, at least they have taken the leap on the Social Care issue. It's not perfect by a long chalk, but it's a start. Labour had a lot of years to start something, but they didn't.

There is also talk about improving road safety, and trying to make it safer for more vulnerable road users, which is also good.
But overwhelmingly, IMO, they are a force for vested interests and the more well off. And they have repeatedly punished the less well off in society, and continue to do so. So they get a load of demerit points for that as well.
Not that they would give a flying shite what I think, cos I'll never vote Tory while I've got a hole in my arse.
Dec 2021
2:15pm, 2 Dec 2021
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Merry Christmas and Happy NewG(rrr)
I'm happy to identify as a socialist. I'm also happy to listen to and discuss with liberals and conservatives and anyone else, their views on government and policy. But in the same way that I'll try to justify my views in a reasonable way, all I would ask is that they do the same.

I am often accused of being naive and my views being unrealistic. But I try not to get all upset when that's what I'm told but just to reasonably explain why I think that the policies I would support are both realistic and practical.

Unfortunately we don't often get the chance to have those discussions. There just don't seem to be that many with conservative and other right of centre views prepared to chat. I can't say why that is. We'd have to hear from them.

:-) G
Dec 2021
2:16pm, 2 Dec 2021
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Jolly Krampus *chameleon*
A good comment from Fetch on that blog, now.

I find it sad that people are lurking just to laugh at "radical" ideas or opinions. I don't often comment, but I think knowing people are behaving in this manner I'll reserve my comments even more so. I know this place is something of an echo chamber, and there is a tendency from some to "pile on" to any right-leaning poster - but perhaps that is more because people actually want to see arguments from the "other side", to engage and to debate with them.

Can't debate with lurkers.
Dec 2021
2:18pm, 2 Dec 2021
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Jolly Krampus *chameleon*
Oh, and paul the builder - thanks for highlighting that blog. Nice to see what people are thinking, even if they don't say it directly.
Dec 2021
2:20pm, 2 Dec 2021
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Merry Christmas and Happy NewG(rrr)
Hope it's OK, but I'm going to copy Fetch's comment in here because I think it's relevant to the thread...

In terms of numbers, I've found the thread to be fairly reasonable in the main, although clearly one of the tenser threads on the site. I've been keeping record of the number of behaviour issues reported to me during 2021. Site-wide, there are 11 so far, four of which came from three posters on the politics thread. Your blog, and some of the comments have left me feeling a bit sad that people haven't felt willing to let me know about issues, because I do try to help.

What I do expect or at least hope for is that any disagreements happen courteously. It's not clear from your post what exactly has happened, but the options are always there to report things to me. And if you've been on the receiving end of something that goes beyond a dissection of your argument, and into ad hominem attack, I want to know. That's just not on.

There are definitely strong opinions to be found there, but I think that's to be expected. I also recognise that some comments are radical (indeed, some of the action I've had to take is to remove some posts that were *too* radical). But unless I am also a radical, I think there's plenty of moderate discussion as well. In my view, ideas (radical and otherwise) are built on assumptions and perceptions - and it's good for debate to challenge and explore those foundations. I get that it can be hard work, and not the friendly, comforting reason why the majority of us are drawn to the site. I wouldn't judge anyone for muting the thread, but I do think there's an appetite amongst the posters to encourage a broader input.

The ice cream sounds amazing. I've only got a Lidl near me, so I'll have to see what they can offer by comparison.
2:02pm, 2nd Dec 2021

The vegan ice cream is an important part of the discussion. Yum, yum! :-) G
Dec 2021
2:20pm, 2 Dec 2021
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Paul - I'd often offer a counter view. In the sense of a more 'conservative' approach of personal responsibility, personal freedom of choice, paying your way (with a social safety net) rather than incessant debt etc etc. And advocating a better 'working together' spirit rather than the current Punch and Judy politics.

What stops me is the bile and abuse that is thrown at anything and anyone vaguely to the right of hard left.
(From someone who has voted at times for all the 'main parties'. Well, except SNP because I've never seen them on one of my ballot papers - rather than a 'vote or never-vote X, no matter what'.)
Dec 2021
2:29pm, 2 Dec 2021
21,570 posts
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Meanwhile, in Germany.


If you're not vaccinated, you're staying in.

I really don't know what I think about this.
Dec 2021
2:33pm, 2 Dec 2021
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vaguely to the right of hard left.

I'm to the right of hard left. I really haven't been made to feel uncomfortable here because of my views.

Of course, that doesn't mean that others haven't, and it may well be simply that I'm not capable of picking up subtext in written content...

I have been called upon, robustly at times, to defend myself, which I do with equal vigour because I feel confident that I can defend my views.
Dec 2021
2:38pm, 2 Dec 2021
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What stops me is the bile and abuse that is thrown at anything and anyone vaguely to the right of hard left.

As far as the bile goes, I feel like there are cases where tone and language could have been more thoughtful, to avoid derailing the matter at hand. As for any abusive comments aimed at individuals on this thread, report them to me please.
Dec 2021
2:42pm, 2 Dec 2021
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paul the builder
um - yes, that's probably fair. I certainly didn't mean to give the impression that *no-one* ever challenges an idea in here. It's a shame though that you (and you're clearly not alone) contribute less than you otherwise might.

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Maintained by Chrisull
Name-calling will be called out, and Ad hominem will be frowned upon. :-) And whatabout-ery sits somewhere above responding to tone and below contradiction.

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