Oct 2010
9:29am, 27 Oct 2010
4,242 posts
BelleVueRacer♣of Beartown
gg - my physio said I had damaged fat pads (on heel) initially, it turned out to be the dreaded PF.
From experiece I'd say write all forthcoming races off. You dont enjoy them so much if you;re not prepared - I tried this and has some pretty depressing results. Just focus on rehab I reckon.
Good luck with the Chi running
Oct 2010
10:44am, 27 Oct 2010
2,415 posts
ohhh that is interesting - thanks for that.
I have Hell Runner next weekend and prepared to just complete the course but I'll refrain from anything else until I get sorted. Thanks again
Oct 2010
11:13am, 27 Oct 2010
1,536 posts
Doctor K
What makes a big difference to mine much trial and error is to try to make sure my heel is held securely in the shoe -an insole like Superfeet might do this for instance
Oct 2010
11:44am, 27 Oct 2010
678 posts
Dr K are you a heel striker?
Oct 2010
12:17pm, 27 Oct 2010
4,244 posts
BelleVueRacer♣of Beartown
DK - a physio suggested heel cups to me. do they do the same job?
Oct 2010
12:19pm, 27 Oct 2010
2,416 posts
I got gel heel cups from the physio last week, makes a huge difference - even in my normal shoes (those they fit in)
I had my gait done again on Sunday and I heel strike on my outer heel (pretty much what CableTow said I was doing to cause the pain he's great!) but I'm hoping that I can get the hang of Chi and learn to mid foot strike.
Oct 2010
3:05pm, 27 Oct 2010
4,246 posts
BelleVueRacer♣of Beartown
CT knows his stuff
if Chi is anything like POSE you don;t AIM for a mid foot landing, you get one as a biproduct of enabling drills etc... to change your running style. Good luck either way - a tough journey lies ahead so keep an eye on the Chi thread for advice.
Oct 2010
1:51pm, 29 Oct 2010
28,421 posts
Update time after seeing the foot doctor again last night. Basically the first injection has improved the pain a bit, but I'm no-where near pain free so am back next week for a top up under ultrasound in the bad foot, and a first injection in the not-as-bad one. So it's all time and patience, still. I used to be a runner you know. Anyway bottom line is that my feet still hurt. The ultrasound will show if any healing has taken place in the last 6 weeks or so.
He reiterated that cutting into the foot and having a poke around was very much last resort and he didn't like doing it at all - about one operation a year. He did seem interested in some other muscle lengthening procedure if the ruptures don't heal at all, in the soleus (?) because (forgive me if I have the terminology all wrong here) my foot can't dorsiflex when my knee is locked, and is barely at neutral...
Pose runners will tell me that my knee shouldn't be locked when running, and I will tell them that it isn't. Much.
Oct 2010
2:02pm, 29 Oct 2010
1,545 posts
Doctor K
I do strike on the heel but am trying to change that a little bit. I don't know about heel cups to be honest
Oct 2010
2:07pm, 29 Oct 2010
1,546 posts
Doctor K
Good luck Hendo.
BTW if anyone is taking Ibuprofen for the condition take care with it -a couple of weeks of taking it for a knee injury landed me with stomach irritation resulting in another drug -apparently Ibuprofen encourages the production of excess stomach acid with all the potential issues that can cause.