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Plantar Fasciitis??

109 watchers
Nov 2010
12:32pm, 9 Nov 2010
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It would be nice to think one day it'll just go away GF, my thinking exactly!

I'm currently managing mine with doing a thorough stretch with a towel before I get out of bed in the morning and doing lots of calf stretching after I run. I'm back up to about 25-30 miles a week now and the foot's coping fine with that. I'm also doing a lot more cross training than I used to (ie. I never did any!) and have taken up yoga to help with stretching too.

Marathon training for Brighton will start before long though so I'm keeping everything crossed that the way I'm managing it now will continue to work. Have actually managed to start racing again for the first time in five months and I have missed it a lot!
Nov 2010
12:48pm, 9 Nov 2010
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has anyone looked at the shoe structure and/or any orthotics they are using? My own problems with this injury likely stemmed from having the arch of the shoe/orthotics I was wearing at the time being too stiff. The stiff control in the arch that is supposed to stop the arch collapsing and therefore controlling 'over pronation' could actually be putting too much strain through the tendon and causing the pain. The arch of the foot is really suppose to collapse in a normal walking foot, it's like a little shock absorber. anyhoo, just a thought.
Nov 2010
10:46am, 16 Nov 2010
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So has anyone got rid of it yet?
Nov 2010
10:51am, 16 Nov 2010
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Feckin kidding me aren't you?
Nov 2010
10:51am, 16 Nov 2010
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Nope not at all :(
Nov 2010
10:52am, 16 Nov 2010
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Yes, but only by not running. Am expecting it to reappear mid February.
Nov 2010
10:54am, 16 Nov 2010
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My right foot is clear after it bothered me for 2-3 years around 2004-2006.
My left got injured in November last year. I have reduced the discomfort with regular stretching of the plantar fascia and have been running since August. The pain has not gone completely, but it does not interfere with running, so that's OK.
Nov 2010
10:54am, 16 Nov 2010
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Mine is much improved with gel heel cups, lots of stretching and like Tiger find pilates & body balance great for a good stretchout.

I also never used to do any cross training but now use the x-trainer a lot more and really focusing on my posture (but mine is allegedly caused by bad bio-metrics) so it is supposed to help.

Boab, I still blame the orthotics I had in my dress boots, they really caused pain in my arch, the physio at hospital did say that could happen if they are over compensating rather than supporting!!

Good luck GF xx
Nov 2010
10:58am, 16 Nov 2010
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So its not just me that has it forever then. Fizz has put tape all over my foot like a mummy now. I'm now hating running coz it just hurts. Have taken drastic measures for me and running less, and even having a weekend off marathons next week.

Hendo, whats the latest on your foot nightmare?
Nov 2010
11:29am, 16 Nov 2010
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I tried to run through it for a few months. It got to the point where I could not walk 30 mins after a run, the pain was so bad

I stopped running completely. Did loads of stretching, calf, soleus, achillies.

I kept fitness up with cycling and rowing.

After 9 months I started back just running once a week at first, then gradually increased number of runs, and then distance.

My PF was caused by ridiculous orthotics.

About This Thread

Maintained by geordiegirl
Hi guys & gals

I know this will have been covered loads of times before but I’m just wondering ...

Couple of links from HappyG(rrr) & CableTow


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