Sep 2010
9:17am, 3 Sep 2010
14,089 posts
eL Bee!
LOL - your assimilation to Stormtrooper begins!!
Sep 2010
9:20am, 3 Sep 2010
28,334 posts
It's a good job I'm doing one foot at a time ffs!
Sep 2010
9:23am, 3 Sep 2010
14,090 posts
eL Bee!
Sep 2010
9:51am, 3 Sep 2010
4,090 posts
BelleVueRacer♣of Beartown
let us know how that goes H, I use the sock but sometimes find it too annoying. I don't like the way it pulls the toes up.
Sep 2010
9:23am, 7 Sep 2010
594 posts
It's now been a full week since my injection.
My foot's feeling much better - I no longer have that horrible stabbing pain and that constant feeling of a stone under my heel. It just feels like my heel is a little bruised now.
My physio said I can start to reintroduce some exercise gradually over the course of the next week - starting with a little walk, ice and stretch calves and foot afterwards. Any pain returning and it's back off again.
Oct 2010
9:32am, 25 Oct 2010
64 posts
Just realised that my PF may have been brought on by sitting at the computer 8hrs/day for several months with my left foot (the one affected) up on the ball of the foot and my heel resting (raised) on the leg of my chair so all my calf/achilles/PF is severely shortened. Am going to change my chair today to one without a leg to rest my heel on, as I don't even know I'm doing it.
Oct 2010
10:18am, 25 Oct 2010
2,398 posts
I went to see a physio last week at hospital. Apparently my left heel doesnt have the 'fatty pad' which it should have to protect it against impact
I now have gel pads to wear and been advised to up my core work. Provided I could do a reasonably long run without too much trouble I am allowed to do Hell Runner on the 7th Nov I did 6.6 on Saturday and yes it hurt but it wasnt unbearable - I think knowing I'm not causing untold damage helps.
I did a body combat session yesterday and that make my achillies hurt quite a lot so back to stretching regularly (I am bad and I had stopped doing them :-O)
I have signed up for a Chi session next month as that avoids heel striking (apparently) and appears to be focused around using your core strength.
MOW I sit like that quite often.... I never thought of that being a contributing factor - eek! Mind you I got wrong off the physio for a) crossing my legs and b) sitting with them curled up under me on the sofa I do both without thinking - old habits die hard. Good luck with the new chair.
Hendo - hope things are going well for you keep us posted.
Oct 2010
12:18pm, 26 Oct 2010
4,240 posts
BelleVueRacer♣of Beartown
gg - careful. I am learning POSE (have been since April last year). I got PF SINCE I started. I'm not saying POSE is the cause but I'm not ruling it out. I know Chi is different but I dont heel strike and have PF.
I found that The Strassbourg sock and the "5 minute PF cure" (sit / lie, rest heel on knee, pull toes back to stretch the plantar fascia, hold for ten seconds, do this at least 10 times a day especially before you stand / walk after loads of time off feet eg sleeping, sitting in front of tv / at desk).
Good luck
Oct 2010
1:10pm, 26 Oct 2010
4 posts
Probably been mentioned ages ago but try Orthaheel inserts in all your shoes. I tried rest, splints, stretches etc for yonks..Now I never walk about without arch support, especially in wellies (which I wear a lot but that's another story). Problem has gone after about a year of pain! You may need to rob a bank to afford this but try one pair and swop them throgh all your shoes...(and no , I don't work for them)
Oct 2010
2:08pm, 26 Oct 2010
2,410 posts
thanks guys although the physio I saw didnt think it was PF, the gel pads in shoes/trainers is definately helping.
I had my gait re-checked on Sunday and I thought I didnt heel strike but I do! and CT diagnosed that I landed on the outer edge of my foot and ta-dah I do! The guy is a genius. Hoping my Chi coach can get me into better a foot landing position.
As for orthotics, my friend qualified as a podiatrist a couple of years ago and she got me some inserts which I swear is where my problem came from. Again the physio seemed to think that would be possible given my bio-metrics (bit of a conflict of opinions me thinks ;)) but to test the theory I've got them in my boots today and its rather uncomfortable. Its a problem finding what works individually isnt it? grrr
I am still keeping my running to a minimum and doing classes/gym to keep up my fitness levels, blooming frustrating though. Once Hell Runner is out the way I can concentrate on getting fixed properly.