parkrun thread
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Jan 2022
11:13am, 7 Jan 2022
24,147 posts
Springburn on NYD had a strolling barker with a clipboard calling for future volunteers. Falkirk also sometimes has someone wandering around similarly. Incidentally, Falkirk's traditional call and response shout of "No barcode" "No time!" has, for the current situation, transformed into a call and response whisper. |
Jan 2022
11:14am, 7 Jan 2022
6,249 posts
Sorry, larks, I didn't read Looby Loo's post properly - we were asking after the run rather than before, still made no difference. I do genuinely think at our parkrun most people would rather see us cancel than have to suffer the inconvenience of volunteering themselves (or maybe I've just become a bitter and jaded volunteer coordinator already)
Jan 2022
11:15am, 7 Jan 2022
6,250 posts
For people who are tired of asking for vols - do you do it yourself every week? We started like that but now have 4 people who take it in turns to do Vol Recruitment which means they don't get fed up with it. We recruit as many different ways as we can - Facebook, Whiteboard (walk round at 8.50 holding it in front of people!), webpage, DofE, run brief and finally threaten to not have timers, token, scanners - only done that once, it seemed to get the message through! We need about 10 non running vols plus RD, also running VC, setup/breakdown, extra scanners. We have two volunteer coordinators (of which I am one) - the RDs used to do it. At the start of 2020, they had 3 RDs who did everything, which was quite an undertaking for 3 people at a large parkrun such as Cardiff. In spring last year, they asked for volunteers to be RDs and volunteer coordinators. We did initially have 4 of us who were going to be volunteer coordinators (which would have been ideal), but two changed their minds once we restarted. As there is (usually) an expectation that the VC will be there on the day, it is a bit much between two of us. One of the trainee RDs did do it one week in December, and before we got put on pause in Wales we were going to try to spread it around the core team a bit more (we now have the 3 original RDs, two new ones who have now done their first RD stint, and 3 who were lined up to have their first go in January). It does just get a bit wearing when you feel like you’re nagging, pleading and cajoling all the time. Also, I do like to run myself (not usually at my home parkrun), so I do end up feeling guilty if on weeks when I’m not doing volunteer coordinator I go and run elsewhere. I know no one else on the core team expects this, but it’s difficult not to feel guilty. At the moment I’m on 200 runs and 85 volunteers, which on the one hand seems okay, but then I think maybe when I joined the core team I should have given up running parkrun altogether, as I’m sure some people think they shouldn’t have to volunteer at all, even once, if every member of the the core team aren’t volunteering every single week. |
Jan 2022
11:49am, 7 Jan 2022
52,105 posts
The RD usually does it, although some RDs have arrangements with other members of the core team to do it for them. We have nine RDs, although some RD more than others. That sounds like you need more wo/manpower, Jenny, and you should definitely NOT feel guilty for running elsewhere or at your home event. We used to always have a board for future volunteers, but it was just *another* thing for that week's RD to print out, to get wet/broken, to be put away, so we quietly retired it. Perhaps a white board is a good idea. |
Jan 2022
11:53am, 7 Jan 2022
5,606 posts
We have a whiteboard at Bournemouth which is placed on a chair in front of the table where runners return their finish tokens. It can be used for any upcoming week as it has columns for name, date, role.
Jan 2022
12:42pm, 7 Jan 2022
2,636 posts
We have five RDs - none of whom take any active role in populating the roster (save adding ourselves in for particular jobs from time to time) and four VCs who agree a rolling 'two weeks on - six weeks off' pattern between themselves. There's no expectation that any individual should be present on a Saturday morning unless they've actively volunteered themselves to be there. Did create minor confusion for a visitor some time ago though - she came to me (RD) looking for that week's VC and was most confused to learn that said VC was in Lanzarote and had been all week. We're also fortunate in that it rarely takes more than the Monday teatime email to those signed up and maybe a FB post on Wednesday to achieve at least the minimum we need. |
Jan 2022
1:45pm, 7 Jan 2022
52,106 posts
Who checks in the volunteers on the day CumbriAndy?
Jan 2022
2:54pm, 7 Jan 2022
13,253 posts
Volunteer recruiting is the job of the RD with us. We have 6 RDs so you only have to do it 2 weeks in 12. Usually it isn't so bad but this week is a little slow. Luckily we have just signed up to Silver DoE-ers which is fab and will help a lot. I am still 1 marshal short, but if I can't get one more person I can go with one timer, or one person on tokens as a stretch. I have a number checker so if it all goes Pete Tong I should be able to get close to the right results! |
Jan 2022
3:02pm, 7 Jan 2022
8,715 posts
We have four RDs and no volunteer coordinators except in rare circumstances - e.g. one week I was VC as the RD was on holiday without access to a PC until they returned the day before parkrun.
Jan 2022
4:34pm, 7 Jan 2022
2,637 posts
LindsD - The RD meets & greets the volunteers and hands out the Hi-Viz. That means we know when everybody has arrived, that all key points are covered and that we can have confidence in any newcomers (or know who we need to go and check-in with during the run). Thankfully, questions are usually few and far between and usually answerable by having somebody more experienced show the way. I should probably add that we are fortunate to have all our kit stored on site and that the only interest the RD has in set up is receiving confirmation it's been done - by the volunteer who turned up early to open up and do it. Set-up is my job for tomorrow - must remember my head torch. |
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