May 2020
6:06pm, 31 May 2020
37,320 posts
Thanks, CW. I'll probably do the same, then.
Jun 2020
10:07am, 2 Jun 2020
13 posts
Who's going to be returning to Parkrun (at some point in the distant future) fitter and faster than ever and who is going to be feeling like its their first ever 5k jog and crossing the line in need of an ambulance
Jun 2020
10:15am, 2 Jun 2020
5,935 posts
Eynsham Red
I’m really not sure how I’ll be. I’ve done a lot of X training, (aerobics, turbo, Pilates and skipping), so I have a reasonable level of fitness. However, I did my first run for two months on Saturday and although I felt ok at the end, the next day my body was reminding me that I’ve not run for a while!
Jun 2020
10:23am, 2 Jun 2020
6,488 posts
The fake parkruns are helping me, I'm still used to running a hard 5k on a Saturday morning; the only thing that'll change are the number of folks doing it with me!
Jun 2020
10:26am, 2 Jun 2020
8,104 posts
Wore my new Dinton Pastures parkrun vest today as I ran around part of the course on my run this morning. I really like it, it's nice and light and airy, just what is needed on a hot day like today.
Jun 2020
10:44am, 2 Jun 2020
37,364 posts
I'm stronger but heavier and haven't done much speedwork
Jun 2020
11:34am, 2 Jun 2020
19,863 posts
I'll be betweenish - although I've ran all my fake parkruns bar one* as run walks so actually running 5 km continuously may be a shock. Got to about four minutes outside where I was.
* It didn't go well
Jun 2020
1:50pm, 2 Jun 2020
26 posts
At this point, I'll be doing well to get around at all.
On Christmas day, at Hartlepool parkrun, I ran my fastest ever 5k (25:43).
Since then, I've run about 600 miles - including PBs at both 10k and Half Marathon and my highest-mileage-month-ever (181 miles) in March. Then I caught Covid-19, which put an and to a 94 day runstreak and resulting in zero miles for April. But at least it helped me lose about 8kg.
Since "recovering" (and I lose the term very loosely), I've put back on those 8kg - and they seem to have invited another 5kg over for the party. And running's become a *real* struggle - I restarted C25k from about week 4. I managed 36 minutes or so for fakerun on Saturday, but it really wasn't very pretty or enjoyable. I haven't felt able to go for a run since.
Jun 2020
2:17pm, 2 Jun 2020
1,754 posts
Difficult to know where I'll be.
Since lockdown started, my mileage has shot up and I have lost several kilos of weight - so those two factors should make me quicker.
On another hand, parkrun was the closest I ever got to doing anything that resembled speedwork and recent attempts to maintain the sort of pace I ran them at have been less than pretty.
On a third hand, historic evidence suggests that participating in events with others has always somehow made me quicker than running on my own.
So anybody's guess really - won't it be great when we have a chance to find out
Jun 2020
2:18pm, 2 Jun 2020
845 posts
I'm hoping not to be a complete lard-arse. It's not helped by starting blood pressure meds that make my feet swell up and my shoes don't fit. It's not really making it easy to get out the door just now. Hopefully that will settle or we find a different drug.