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parkrun thread

5 lurkers | 506 watchers
May 2020
2:18pm, 30 May 2020
8,043 posts
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Ah yes, good point Bob!
May 2020
2:44pm, 30 May 2020
447 posts
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I'm the other way round. I like the fact I can have my 5k done and be home for 6:30!
May 2020
2:51pm, 30 May 2020
4,831 posts
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Took me all my time to get down to the beach for 8am this morning as not sleeping at all well just now but thought it best to go then before it got too busy as it was a glorious morning.
May 2020
3:02pm, 30 May 2020
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Lip Gloss
Rrunner, I'm the same, glad to be done and back before 9.30am ( Scottish start) . Also liking my 5.00am runs during the week although once OH goes back to work he might mind the early morning alarm :-(
May 2020
3:04pm, 30 May 2020
40,816 posts
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Lip Gloss
I would love a decent night's sleep and no constant headache :-(
May 2020
3:20pm, 30 May 2020
42,456 posts
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Derby Tup
They’re stressful times LG. It’s a wonder we don’t all have a permanent headache

I’ve been running after 9pm mostly and that suits me. I like the idea of a morning run and getting up isn’t a problem but I just prefer running in the evening
May 2020
3:31pm, 30 May 2020
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Lip Gloss
It's nice that we are all different runners other would have social distance problems at all times of the day and night ;-) . I just find I can get up and have no breakfast and go straight out., by evening I'm tired and cba'd but yet would love an late afternoon or evening run with company.
May 2020
4:31pm, 30 May 2020
448 posts
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Agree LG, by the evening I generally CBA. Doesn't help if I have an evening race but I guess that's not going to be an issue this year!
May 2020
4:43pm, 30 May 2020
3 posts
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Hi everyone, I'm a fairly new member of Fetch, but loving the forums and features.

I also love parkrun and am missing it, but I'm still running regularly and enjoying my runs. On Saturdays I've been wearing my parkrun milestone T-Shirt or my Apricot T.

Incidentally, I do have story about the new parkrun kit - the shirts, hoodies etc. Pro Direct are local to me (they're Newton Abbot based) and they approached my club for "models" who also love parkrun. I was one of the few chosen and we went along to a local parkrun venue (Parke near Newton Abbot) where we were interviewed and had loads of pics taken. For our troubles we were each given a hoody, T shirt, a pair of shoes of our choice and a pair of shorts and we had a great morning out. Keep an eye out for me in some of the parkrun material - I'm the tall one :)
May 2020
5:00pm, 30 May 2020
449 posts
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Welcome to Fetch big_G.

Interesting story and good to see they used parkrunners rather than paid models for the pics. And free kit thrown in!

About This Thread

Maintained by Hendo
A discussion of all things parkrun.

Note: Hendo is a boy.
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