Feb 2020
7:47am, 26 Feb 2020
737 posts
Paul N
I keep to miles but have developed a habit of hitting the lap button at every KM marker for Parkrun
Feb 2020
7:56am, 26 Feb 2020
5,827 posts
I swap between depending on the session in doing. Ditto lap times. Fetch is set up for miles, though.
Feb 2020
7:56am, 26 Feb 2020
5,828 posts
I'm doing
Feb 2020
8:56am, 26 Feb 2020
5,621 posts
I have my watch in km as that's what I started with, and I know my pace in km's rather than miles. My Garmin account is in km and Fetch is in Miles.
Feb 2020
9:01am, 26 Feb 2020
10,452 posts
I've only taught myself to think in pace per mile so I leave mine in miles. I also like the way it breaks a parkrun into "the easy bit", "the getting harder bit", "the dig in you're nearly there bit" and "the sprint to the line".
Not sure why I stick with old fashioned miles, as I'm more a metric sort of person normally, but miles just feel "right" for running.
Feb 2020
9:23am, 26 Feb 2020
45,395 posts
I run in miles except on my treadmill, which is set to kilometres but it doesn't matter because I do my treadmill runs in round units of time rather than by distance. I have a picture of what various minutes-per-mile paces "mean" and I don't have that for kilometres at all.
Feb 2020
9:26am, 26 Feb 2020
119 posts
Tip for your first run - take it very easy so you have a chance of at least 1 PB!
I had a really good run week 1 and it took a year or more before I beat it!
Feb 2020
10:51am, 26 Feb 2020
11,959 posts
I can do 5k and 10k paces in my head but that's it. Usually set my watch to km for those races.
Everything else I still have to do in miles.
Feb 2020
10:57am, 26 Feb 2020
805 posts
Same as Badger with 5K and 10K paces in a race but did my maths wrong once when I was quite tired at 7K. Thought I'd lost 30secs to target but turns out Id added wrong and was actually 30secs up so worked out well in the end.
Feb 2020
11:00am, 26 Feb 2020
38,448 posts
Lip Gloss
I never look at my watch when running except when it beeps at each mile...I have no idea about pacing